Is fighting evil a good idea?

Fighting evil is a concept that we all have deeply ingrained within us. It's a way of seeing life, of seeing trials that has always been instilled in us. Even in certain religions for centuries, the notion of Good has always been opposed to that of Evil. In our school textbooks, we study wars, we relive them through films but also concretely, in current events in certain countries around the world and in new forms specific to the modern context and issues. Beyond the collective scale, it is also in the more intimate sphere that we can be encouraged to “fight” in the face of adversity, sometimes in the face of our own family, our parents, etc. However, fighting evil is not a good idea. Whether by survival, by revenge, by rejection, this way of seeing life limits us, locks us into repetitive and hurtful dynamics for ourselves. Here is an article that helps you understand why this attitude is limiting and how to change it without condoning or validating negative dynamics.
Combattre le mal, est-ce une bonne idée ?

Fight: The reinforcement of our own negative

The negative, whether experienced via an experience external to us or internal (voices in our head, intrusive thoughts, etc.) will bring into play unconscious memories that resonate more or less strongly with this negative. The fight against this negative will have the effect of reinforcing the evil that we carry in our unconscious memories. The more we fight, the more we reject, and the more the dynamics that bother us return to our lives in different forms and will even increase over time.

In a concrete situation, by choosing to fight to resolve a situation through physical violence rather than calling the police, we will necessarily allow evil to reproduce, by feeding its negative aspects. Violence attracts violence, because we act exactly like what bothers us, we allow evil to feed on our own attitude, which reinforces it.

In the intellectual framework, at the level of our thoughts and our intentions, the functioning is the same. At work, if we metaphysically fight our colleagues because we cannot stand their criticism, their habitual slander, we will feed their negative aspects, and this will continue to reproduce itself schematically and perpetually. We will always hear more criticism, and we will always be asked to enter into this dynamic.

True courage is to transform yourself

It’s the same thing when we hear of people with illnesses “struggling” for recovery or “fighting” their illness. This gives an impression of strength, of courage, and it’s true that courage is needed, but not by fighting… it’s by accepting, by understanding, by transforming. And that takes a lot of courage. Because evil is a messenger who wants to tell us something, to make us change our habits, our outlook on a situation, on a person. Evil speaks to us when we know how to analyze and understand it. And transforming ourselves in the face of the evil that happens to us, questioning ourselves, seeing what we have to improve and agreeing to change, that is true courage.

Fighting evil is an easy solution, so to speak, because it means considering that what is negative, bad is outside, that it is not “oneself”. This way, we don't have to change, we don't have to question ourselves. It is a form of protection against change and improvement. Fighting evil is basically fighting yourself. Fight what life puts in our path to evolve.

But how can we accept evil without trivializing it, how can we find a just affirmation? This comes through understanding. We are always afraid, we run away or we reject what we do not understand in depth. No matter what we fight, it will always come back to us, because Heaven presents us with our negative aspects in order to identify them in us and be able to transform them.

Understanding the Law of Resonance

Every day, we face many situations that disturb us, sometimes more or less intensely, to the point of deeply revolting us depending on the type of words or actions we witness.

The Law of Resonance expresses a simple principle: we attract and resonate with what we are, in the positive as in the negative, in our qualities as in our defects. It is a scientific fact that elements of the same vibrational frequency vibrate together.

Through the Law of Resonance, we understand that all the evil that we see is in reality there to allow us to learn about ourselves, to transcend it through the development of our qualities. Evil is educational, it is an absolute fact. It exists only to allow us to become aware of hidden parts of ourselves and to develop qualities. Evil serves Good…

To take the example of work colleagues who express criticism on a daily basis, by applying the Law of Resonance, we wonder when we can be critical of ourselves, or of others sometimes. This is what happens when we are boiling inside because we hear our colleague criticizing and complaining for long hours. Internally, we ourselves are criticizing and complaining about our colleague, we are reproducing the same vibrational frequency. Or, if we don't criticize it in the moment, it resonates with parts of ourselves that may have criticized in the past and are still lodged in our unconscious, waiting to be cleaned.

Using resonances to learn and evolve

We experience situations in agreement with who we deeply are, with what we have to learn to evolve towards the best of ourselves. When we understand this in depth, we use each of these “disturbing” situations to come back to ourselves, to identify the negative in us, and we transform it. Thus, we evolve while respecting our values ​​and respecting the pace of evolution of others. And finally, our consciousness changes positively, and our environment too, in agreement with ourselves, our vibrations, our qualities, and our defects in transformation.

