Are you a caring leader or an authoritarian manager?

Have you ever wondered what creates success? Beyond the opportunities, the background, and the vagaries of life? Because yes, there is a recipe for success... And it is very different from what one might imagine at first glance. Because true success cannot be built only externally, quite the contrary. It must first come from within, from our own inner leadership. The very good news? There are keys to building this within yourself.
Êtes-vous un leader bienveillant ou un manager autoritaire ?

Speaking of leadership…

It’s not always easy to be a good leader. And leadership and management are two different things. Being a good leader means that we must be an example of qualities, be able to “lead by example”, inspire our colleagues, our friends or even our family! Of course, you don't have to be perfect right away... It's a journey with many steps and being happy with the journey is an important part of it.

To be a good leader, there are a few aspects that a person must develop. Let's see together what these aspects are.

1. You must listen…

Developing your receptivity is key. Indeed, receptivity helps to understand the information in the first place, and therefore, to find the right answer, the right decisions to make. This can be true at work, but also in everything you do, in every situation.

Sometimes as a leader you don't know all the answers and that's okay. But you should always remain open and listen to what others have to share. If you don't listen enough, you'll miss parts of the bigger picture, and people might start seeing you as a stubborn person and they'll share their ideas less and less, which can also lead to trust issues, etc. But by listening well from the start, you will be able to establish a harmonious dynamic wherever you go.

2. Free yourself from what others think of you.

You are not perfect, and that is normal, because the very foundation of life is evolution. If you have altruistic and constructive values, your foundations will be ready for your growth. But if you worry too much about what others think, you might start being too nice, for example... And a leader who is too kind might miss important steps along the way and not be able to fulfill his mission of also representing a force of justice and authority, or to defend the interests of its company or its employees in a resilient and structured manner.

3. Lead by example.

By multiplying good examples, you build trust. With confidence, people will follow you. One day, when you have been a good example many times, people will naturally listen to you because they will have proof that what you do works and that it is always supported by good intention. This also means that setting a good example can include apologizing or rectifying mistakes with a good attitude. This way, you will have built a naturally balanced authority, without even asking…

4. Become an expert problem solver.

Knowing that “problems = solutions” is one thing. But applying it in daily life is another story. You have to build this way of thinking, this attitude where you see problems as an opportunity to learn new things. This requires repetition and, of course, facing difficulties, rather than running away from them.

5. Encourage the positive in everyone.

To be truly kind and caring (but in a balanced way), you must be able to recognize the strengths and qualities of the people around you. And more than recognizing their qualities, you must also nurture these qualities as well as your own qualities. This means encouraging others when they do well, giving them sincere compliments. Neither too much nor too little, and also with yourself.

If you apply these keys, success will only be a matter of time... And it will always come from within before manifesting itself around you.
