UCM soon in Africa

In 2023, for the first time in Africa, Ivory Coast, UCM will have the joy of offering introductory conferences on dreams, signs and symbols, as well as on working with angelic mantras.
UCM bientôt en Afrique

Humanity has never needed new keys to understanding and knowledge so much, in order to find itself, as well as the true meaning of its existence on Earth and its responsibility in maintaining its internal and external ecosystem. , at a time when the global equation is at the heart of great upheavals... Global COVID-19 pandemic, conflict situations, humanitarian and economic upheavals which ensue...

Humanity so badly needs to rediscover meaning and deep values.

For more than 20 years, UCM has set itself the mission of bringing and transmitting knowledge of symbolic language and dreams throughout the world through teaching accessible to all, which leads to the development of expertise in symbolic language with the aim of improve and develop qualities…

The opening of a new continent to this Knowledge continues to testify to the universal aspect of this Language and this Knowledge, to the great potential for benefits that it can bring to our lives, whatever our culture and origin. .

Symbolic language, the future of the sciences of consciousness & the psyche.

Humanity has never dreamed so much... This is what we have observed since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Indeed, at the rate of the evolution of the virus, several waves of confinements have encouraged the dynamic of internalization, of questioning ourselves, of the way in which we have constructed our lives, the more or less positive or negative choices that we made…

What to do with all this experience, all these experiences, all this past, all these sufferings or buried dualities, or even all these joys and successes of which we no longer really know whether they are true or illusory? Many people on the planet have certainly never asked themselves these questions so much.

And have thus activated without realizing it their metaphysical dimension, their ability to travel in the multi-dimensions of their consciousness, via dreams, signs and new perceptions, to meet new parts of themselves, and can -be able to find new answers to their questions.

It is true that UCM has never received so many requests for interpretation and dreams during the pandemic. As many dreams as nightmares. With this new awakening and these powerful openings of consciousness, a compass becomes necessary, Symbolic Language.

A UCM conference program in Africa, for the first time.

UCM today has the joy and honor of establishing the first bases of its teaching on Dreams, Signs and Symbols on the African continent for the year 2023.

Africa is a continent full of history and hidden treasures, the cradle of humanity... A potential still to be discovered... A land of memories which reflects the great potential of its inhabitants and, on behalf of the entire UCM team , we are happy to share with you this new beautiful stage of diffusion 🙂

We also wholeheartedly thank Karim, a father from Ivory Coast, who is kind enough to support UCM in the planning and concrete implementation of these conferences planned for March 2023.

His love of Africa and his sincere wish to help his country and the African continent will undoubtedly help many Africans to better understand their dreams and improve their lives.


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