What are dreams for?

Dreams help us to know ourselves better, to understand and anticipate the development of our interior and exterior life in order to bring it to the best of its possibilities, gradually.

Know each other better

Dreams and their interpretation allow us to know ourselves better, to discover and understand the multiple unconscious memories that inhabit us and which continually create our present and future realities.

Indeed, our unconscious is an immense reservoir where our thoughts, our emotions, our actions and our past experiences are recorded, in the form of memories. These define our personality and influence our present as well as our future. Our dreams reveal to us our life plan, our strengths and our weaknesses with great precision.


Understand the cause of a problem or difficulty

Dreams also allow us to understand the origin of a difficulty, a weakness, an injury or even an illness, to understand the root cause. Thus, the dream reveals to us what needs to be healed and repaired within ourselves, in order to gradually regain our full potential. This process requires patience with yourself, it takes time.


Anticipate the future and bring it to its best, with patience

Finally, dreams can show us the stages (interior or exterior) as well as the events that are being prepared, both positively and negatively in our life. Thus, dreams give us the keys to prepare the best possible parameters for our future. In order to establish the foundations for positive development on all levels, which will gradually and progressively bring prosperity on all levels into our lives.