L'Angelica Yoga

An initiatory path that promotes the marriage of Spirit and matter

What is Angelica Yoga?

It is a yoga that combines a qualitative intention with a movement, in order to build balance between body and mind.

Angelica Yoga therefore gives more importance to the quality of our intention than to the performance of a movement or posture.

With Angelica Yoga, we can focus on a quality that we wish to develop, or a weakness that we wish to transform, and the different movements and postures support this intention of transformation to embody it even in our body. physical.

This Yoga is for everyone who wants to improve their inner and outer health.


An ancestral knowledge

For millennia, human beings have been searching to understand the mysteries of existence and the meaning of their life.

This deep quest inspires him to question himself, to meditate, to pray, to close his eyes in order to see beyond the external form and find the answers to a thousand and one questions like: Why live if we have to die? Why suffer? What is the reason for all these injustices and discrepancies in the world? What are problems and difficulties for?

Human beings thus question all the energy they deploy to find happiness and to transform their fears into victories. He wonders why life is this way.


To receive answers to your questions

These questions have never before been more present than in our century, where new generations are thirsty for Knowledge coming directly from the soul and where Angelica Yoga is emerging to offer us multiple elements of answers and tools. meeting with oneself.

This initiatory yoga focuses on our ability to receive personal responses and teachings via dreams, signs and symbolic language, as well as the balanced development of our emotional, intellectual and spiritual intelligence.


How to choose the right exercise?

There are 144 Angelica Yoga exercises, each of them linked to an angelic energy, linked to a Quality in its pure state.

The exercise can be chosen according to what we wish to develop in ourselves, in terms of Quality, or the weakness that we wish to transform.


Associate the exercises with the Angelic Mantra

The practice of Angelica Yoga can also be accompanied by the recitation (aloud or with our inner voice) of the Name of the Angels, which is also called recitation of Mantras – Angelic Mantras or Angelica Mantra – while simultaneously performing movements and symbolic postures, which will trigger on the different levels of our being, a series of reactions and metamorphoses which remind us of our connection with the Universal Intelligence inherent in everything that exists.

The combined practice of Angelica Yoga and Angelica Mantras multiplies our dreams, facilitates their correct understanding and interpretation, and helps decode the signs and synchronicities that manifest in our lives.

Thus, we find the memory of who we really are and what our existence on Earth represents.