Dreams vs Nightmares

Dreams and nightmares are educational and evolving. They lead us to surpass ourselves and become the best version of ourselves, gradually, deeply.


Nightmares help us evolve

Nightmares represent messages coming from our unconscious and revealing moods, feelings, negative attitudes that exist in terms of tendency, in oneself.

Indeed, it is important to know that a nightmare represents only a % of ourselves, of our personality, and not the whole of who we are.

This allows us to play down the nightmare without trivializing the importance of the message transmitted by it. Because it tells us % of attitudes and behaviors to change, which could create more or less important problems in our life if we did not change them, but which on the contrary, if we change them, will allow us to attract beautiful things in our life.


Sweet dreams reflect our positive potential

Positive dreams represent our strengths, our qualities, what is beautiful, bright and harmonious in ourselves. Like a compliment, beautiful dreams also give us the strength to continue moving forward and manifest ourselves in all areas of our lives. They also improve our self-confidence and our self-esteem.

However, it is good to know that it is completely normal to experience, on average, more nightmares than sweet dreams.

Because nightmares represent areas of our consciousness to heal, to transform, in order to gradually and gradually regain all of our positive potential. One day, we can become 100% the most beautiful dreams we have received.