Meditation and Mantras

Mantras take us far beyond time and space, through the multiple realities of our inner and outer lives.

The Angelica Mantra

An Angel is not a little guy with wings, but rather a metaphor that represents our ability to dream and travel in the multi-dimensions of our consciousness. 

Basically, working with angelic mantras is simple, just repeat the name of an Angel , like a mantra, for at least five days; we thus focus on the development of a specific quality that it represents.

An Angel is our Qualities 100%.

What is meditation with Mantras?

It is a work of purification, of transforming our negative memories into positive memories. Thus, memories which are tinged with distortions are rectified one after the other by the mantra, if one does it with qualitative intention.

In this way, we focus our will on purity. In this work, the intensity of our intention is an important aspect.

An intensification of concentration and focus occurs in all who discover that spirituality is not a hobby, but a profound process of transformation that takes us through multiple initiations, which are so many stages on the path to purification of consciousness.

Throughout our lives, we record all kinds of experiences, just like a computer records data.

Thus, all fears, suffering, limitations, but also all of our qualities are recorded and influence our behavior and our feelings on a daily basis.


Become the Qualities

We then have the possibility of gradually becoming the Qualities represented by an Angel , of integrating new knowledge and new potentials as well as of modifying our memories and who we are.

Depending on the content of the memories located on the affected ray, the Angel manifests itself in a pure way, or else, brings out our human distortions.

But He manifests Himself, it’s absolute. Thus, and this is extraordinary, we encounter in our dreams and in everyday situations exactly the characteristics of the invoked Angel.


The mantra activates dreams

By paying attention to our dreams and the situations we experience, we can recognize their content in the lists of human qualities and distortions associated with Angels.

This allows us to consciously participate in the work that the Angel is carrying out and to have a very precise geographical map of our consciousness and our travels via our dreams in the multidimensions of the Parallel Worlds.