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Free meditation

Guided meditation for sleep

Evening meditation to let go and prepare for deep sleep. Free Facilitate deep, restful sleep Accessible for life in your UCM account

Free training

7 days to learn to interpret your dreams

Explore fascinating topics in the “7 Days of Dreams” program.

Discover the world of dreams, symbols and their interpretation.

Learn to analyze and understand your dreams, overcome your nightmares and develop your spiritual autonomy.

Instrumental music


The "ECHO" project is an album by Jean-Simon that explores the depth of human emotions and our connection with the universe 🌌.

Each track uses a distinct "echo" effect to symbolize the feedback and resonance of our actions and thoughts in the universe.

Plan your month of July

The summer seminar in Switzerland is coming soon

See the program

Un nouveau site, un nouveau départ

Because great monuments are not built in a day, each member of the team has worked for months so that this new site can see the light of day.

UCM bientôt en Afrique
In 2023, for the first time in Africa, Ivory Coast, UCM will have the joy of offering introductory conferences on dreams, signs and symbols, as well as on working with angelic mantras.