The benefits of meditation

Meditation reconnects us to ourselves, develops our intelligence, our well-being and triggers transformations on several levels of our being.

Reduces stress and depression

Mindfulness meditation helps reduce the symptoms of stress, for example by reducing the secretion of cortisol, also called the “stress hormone”.

This process reduces the level of perceived stress and facilitates the use of stress coping strategies. Used in therapy with people suffering from major depression, meditation also helps reduce the risk of relapse of depressive episodes, which can have significant repercussions on work and family and/or personal life.


Improves cognitive functions

Meditation practice has been shown to improve various cognitive functions, including attention.

Thus, if we ask a person uninitiated in meditation to concentrate on their breathing, it will only take a few seconds for their attention to deviate.

By meditating, the person will learn to improve their concentration. Meditation would also improve executive control, that is to say all of the processes involved in achieving a goal: selection and execution of relevant operations, inhibition of inappropriate actions, change of strategies. where applicable, etc. 


Strengthens memory

People who practice meditation regularly preserve their memory longer as they age, and sometimes even improve it – especially older people.

A recent study by Sonia Goulet and Carol Hudon, carried out among people aged 60 and over suffering from mild cognitive impairment, supports this.

Indeed, the subjects involved had retained their memory abilities after completing a meditation program lasting several weeks, while the memory of the members of the control group had deteriorated during the same period.


Improves sleep

Nearly half of the population will experience insomnia at one time or another.

One study showed that people who participated in a meditation program stayed asleep longer and had an improvement in the severity of insomnia, compared to the control group.

Learning to meditate can help us better control or redirect racing or racing thoughts that are often the cause of insomnia. Meditation helps us relax and release tension, which helps us fall asleep.


Improves emotional health

Meditation practice leads to a better self-image and a more positive outlook on life. For example, a review of treatments given to more than 3,500 adults showed that meditation improved symptoms of depression.

Similarly, a meta-analysis of 18 studies showed that people receiving meditation therapies had reduced depression symptoms, compared to people in a control group.


The acuity of our senses increases

The practice of meditation also improves our senses overall, including sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste.

These senses sometimes increase significantly, leading us to develop clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience.


The intensity and frequency of our dreams increases

Through regular meditation practice, there is a gradual increase in the frequency and intensity of our dreams, and we can better interpret them.

Interpreting our dreams and reading everyday signs is becoming more and more natural and easier. Thus, we can then become more and more autonomous on a spiritual level, because by studying our dreams and our signs, we are instructed and continually guided through the different stages of our inner and outer life journey.