End a relationship with your ex even in your dream!

How do I know if it's really over? Does this mean having forgotten the other? Or no longer find anything positive about it? See outright, feel repulsed? What does it mean if we attract the same type of person over and over again? What does it mean if we ourselves behave in the same way over and over again... If we do the same cycles, the same patterns...? Are we really over this old relationship? Or does it still haunt us? Can we really be free one day?
Mettre fin à une relation avec ton ex jusque dans ton rêve !

“My past is settled. »

Sometimes you can read on dating site profiles “My past is settled…”.

Mmh… have we really sorted out our past? Of course we can have successfully completed a divorce or separation without intense conflicts or arguments... But were the reasons which led us to this breakup well understood?

When we ask ourselves this question, we are really becoming aware of our deep mechanism which led us to this “failure” at the relational level. And one day the word “failure” no longer exists in our vocabulary, because all these experiments are there to help us discover these unconscious mechanisms. Whether in our romantic relationships, in family, at work, etc. all these behaviors come from past experiences which have created memories (data, so to speak) in our personal computer... The human being is like a living computer which experiences positives and negatives throughout its lives...

When the past resurfaces...

One day, I was talking to someone I hadn't seen in a long time. I knew that she had had a fairly difficult divorce and she shared with me her life stages in terms of love. So I told him:

“Without deep work on your memories, you can find yourself in a magnificent, very harmonious relationship but a word, a gesture can bring back all the past memories that triggered the separation. »

And that's exactly what happened... One day, her new companion made a remark to her in the same energy as her ex-husband, and this block of memories came to the surface instantly... And she ended to this relationship. However, he was possibly a good person for her. A memory is very powerful...

To resolve your past and ensure that these romantic patterns do not return there are several cleaning steps. Of course, the concrete is important: ensuring that we have a new home where we feel good, that the children, if we have any, are happy in their new environment, etc. All these steps are essential.

But the most important step is cleaning memories, understanding in depth why we got to this point. Because all love stories begin with attraction, love, etc.

So what makes us unable to maintain this frequency? Once again, it is our past experiences of this life, but also of other lives (if we believe in reincarnation) which are integrated into our beautiful initial intention of building the couple, the love. Everyone is looking for Love, that’s the most important thing. It seems easy... But to find true and pure Love... It's Great.

" To fall in love "…

Several years ago, I literally “fell” in love with a man.

You know the expression having someone under your skin... that was really it, I was totally dependent on him, like a drug...

I experienced the lack when he was not there, it was passionate, beautiful but at the same time so painful. When I think about it, I wouldn't wish that on anyone. It’s like being a slave to this person on some level. The relationship didn't last long but it was intense on all levels. We had deep affinities on life, values, affinities also on a sexual level, it was really the fire, the passion that linked us.

When it ended, I really cried my heart out... and I also told myself that I would never experience that again.

The dream

I worked hard, in depth on these memories of passion, of fire in love, of emotional dependencies to make sure that I did not relive that. I was doing this work on my memoirs but I was also aware that I still had this hope within me… “what if he came back”.

It's a bit like a battered woman who understands that it's not right but at the same time is completely connected to this energy. It took me years of working on my memoirs to no longer want to relive this kind of loving intensity... until the day when I really felt a liberation right down to my cells... Finally! this is the dream I received.

I'm in the car with Alfredo, we're sitting behind I think there are other people with us. He has a dominant look on his face as I rebuff his advances in the car. I arrive at his house where he lives, I don't know this place and he goes to shower. As he closes our bedroom door, I go into another bedroom where there is an attached bathroom. I go to the toilet and take out a thread from the anus, but it's long, long, it takes several minutes and I try to cut it, it's very resistant so I continue to take it out until the end. The person who lives in this room arrives, I open the door ajar and I tell him I'm here, that I'll be finished soon. I clean the floor, because it splashed everywhere and I go out.

When I woke up from this dream I felt a disconnection with this man but totally... these memories of dominance over the other in my romantic relationship, I was in the process of cutting this link metaphysically... A dream of purification but also which shows me how much I have been linked to this kind of energy for a long time. The long thread is also all my perseverance and my desire to go to the end to completely purify these memories. And of course my attachment to him, which was deep…

To renew

I did several types of therapies and it was a good foundation you could say. But sorting out your past without taking into account your dreams, your memories (etc.), is like cleaning a room or a house, but without opening the cupboards, the drawers or having cleaned the basement... On the surface, this seems all clean.

But ultimately the great work has not yet begun.

If you too have had romantic experiences that you can't let go of, ask yourself why in your dream before going to bed...

A dream is a direct message with your unconscious, with precisely the cupboards and basements that have not been visited for a long time. It’s the greatest gift you can give yourself and also to ensure that you don’t return to the same patterns.

Building a loving relationship with your dreams means building to improve it, so that the Source of the fountain of Love at the start does not dry up after a few months, but continues to bring and grow its benefits over time. years.

Because yes it is possible to use your dreams to know if a person is the right one for you...

Yes, it is possible in celibacy to learn to love solitude. Take some time to work on yourself and then find “the right relationship”… which will help us on all levels.

And yes it is possible to repair your heart... to one day love again...
