Did I make the right choice?

Did I make the right choice, or will I regret it later? Did I really make this choice “in my soul and conscience”? Or is there something else that influenced me? Something external? A situation ? A person ? Or something internal...? Unconscious forces? How do we make the right choices in a world where everything is changing so quickly?... How can we find peace with our decisions of yesterday, when they affect our lives today... Sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse... .And what about the future? Can we improve or even change the way we make choices?
Ai-je fait le bon choix ?

Did I make the right choice?

Have you ever asked yourself the question of the correctness of a choice that you made at a given moment, during your day, for your life as a couple, that of those around you, or in your work?

This choice, which could have generated positive and lasting or negative and limiting effects on your environment, a person or a situation, then induces your questioning... And this questioning reflects the activation in you of an intelligence of conscience.

When carried out with humility, return to self and depth, this questioning demonstrates a spiritual force, a force of evolution which is capable of evaluating in order to adjust. This inner mechanism is important to build well so that the future choices you make improve, are more intuitive, obvious, and are less marked by doubts, insecurities or even overconfidence and materialism.

“Deciding”, “making a choice” is a responsibility that should be done in line with our values ​​and our spiritual strength.

Qualities with current parameters

The evaluation of the correctness of a choice must be able to be done while maintaining a global vision, with perspective, a greatness of mind and soul, both on the origins of this choice and on its consequences. Every choice is important, and can have consequences on our environment, we know that.

At time “t” a choice is made. It must require reflection, intuition, concentration so that it can be as accurate as possible in the conditions of the moment, whether in relation to a person or a situation. The current conditions are there, at the present moment, we adapt to them to shape the best possible choice. Everything may not be perfect, so it's about being able to welcome this moment as the best there is, understanding that we have everything necessary to make our choice, without saying to ourselves that it would have been better otherwise. Being in this moment, with detachment, is also taking responsibility as an actor in our Life to materialize.

The Qualities are absolute, constant, immutable, whether it is making a simple choice that has little impact on our life, or whether it is making a choice that will change our future forever. What will change its scope is the power of intention (kawana). It will increase the strength of these Qualities and drive away the wind of doubt, the tremor of fear, the thrill of instability. The choice decided will be conscious, qualitative and responsible.

Question life as much as you do

If we think about it, questioning Life and the Universe about the correctness of our choice for each daily decision and imagining passively waiting for a “green light” to execute it, it doesn’t seem very practical in practice….

However, for important choices that can change an entire life, it should be necessary... And there is an absolute tool that complements the application of the Qualities we talked about before. This tool is Guidance; a term which is inspired by the “Guide” which will show us the first steps to take, and in which direction, to make the best possible choice at the given moment.

To access this Guidance, this symbolic and very real Truth at the same time, which is offered to us through dreams, meditation, it is necessary to cultivate in oneself humility, a return to oneself, Wisdom, neutrality. We start to question the Universe about what touches us deep within ourselves at this moment...

“Is this the right person for the evolution of my soul, is it right for me to marry? »… “At my age, is it right for the evolution of my soul to have a child with my husband whom I love so much, is it right? »… “After so many years of silence, of introspection, is it right for the evolution of my soul to reconnect with my parents? »…

This Guidance is at the heart of Knowledge practiced with dreams, signs and symbols. It teaches us to be receptive, to respect what is right for our evolution, to materialize this choice as a responsible person. Naturally, to be guided and fully understand the codes of dreams, it is necessary to work on your unconscious attachments, your fears, and your needs, in order to be able to have a neutral and objective attitude.

Access to the Guide is gradual and allows over time, combined with the development of Qualities, to find answers to deep questions and solutions to impasses. It thus allows you to make new choices, with new perspectives. It’s like a reconstruction that is planned with respect for the moment.

It is important to question ourselves internally, about our attitudes, our decisions... and it is also important to know how to question what surrounds us, to evaluate life, social choices by discerning strengths and weaknesses. Questioning Life allows for open-mindedness, learning and the acceleration of consciousness. This allows you to always make better choices over time.

Everything is evolution

What is important to keep in mind is that each choice is made according to the Qualities of the moment, and many parameters over which we have no control. By receiving Guidance, it is possible to materialize a choice. But this choice is not immutable, it will evolve over time, through other choices, other decisions that you will make, and that the community will make around you.

This choice of moment “t”, accompanied and guided by the Qualities that you possess, will perhaps not be the same at moment “t – 6” or “t + 45”. The evolution of our consciousness is intrinsically linked to the way in which we question ourselves, and it is so important to nourish this evolution in order to feel and experience the dynamics of Life within ourselves.

Sometimes, life can seem superficial when we do not question ourselves when we do something wrong, when we do not realize that a word was hurtful, when we do not find in ourselves the humility to offer apologies to your wife or husband... When you do not develop your intelligence by questioning Life, when you do not have the faith to pray when you feel helpless, or when you have not learned to cry when we are touched by the words of love from our child... So the choices we make can seem tasteless, without flavor for the life we ​​create through these same choices... Because through our choices and our absence of choices, we create this...

Today's society is very active and sized. It offers us a lot of opportunities. The sense of decision, of responsibility in a choice sometimes loses its value, because everything is so accessible, available, that collective intelligence can trivialize the moral sense which means that one choice can be right and another not. .

In order not to feel lost in this excitement of possibilities and acceleration of societies, there are Keys…

The Keys of today and tomorrow

I regularly ask myself the question of the accuracy of my choices, whether they are important or not, linked to the past or the future, to create a dimensioned, dynamic, evolving life...

This life, I want it to continually teach me to adjust, to complete my spiritual Knowledge and my strength of materialization, to develop my faith to become a being connected to its Spirituality, because I recognize myself fully in it.

By being able to look inside, to feel your emotions, your disturbances, to question yourself about the scope of the choice, by showing humility and detachment, you will develop your spiritual powers and learn to use them with wisdom… You will understand Guidance by analyzing your dreams. You will deepen your faith through prayer and mantra.

These are today's Keys to building tomorrow's decisions with Wisdom towards a modern, responsible and spiritual world. Continue to question yourself, to be responsible in your choices, continue to believe in yourself and in the future, to do better today than yesterday.
