Why can spirituality lead to extremism?

Spirituality experienced correctly is a source of harmony, well-being, discovery and deep understanding of oneself and the Universe.
Pourquoi la spiritualité peut-elle conduire à de l’extrémisme ?

Sometimes, at the beginning of the journey, it happens that as they deepen their spirituality, their meditations and their reflections, some people become hard on themselves... They can even become too extreme in their principles and values; become prickly, critical of themselves or others, even intolerant when they feel, for example, in adversity or with others who oppose their vision of the world...

But why ? In this article, we present to you the main unconscious memories which influence us in our journey, in our spirituality, which can make us hard, rigid with ourselves or others... We will discover that it is not spirituality in itself which leads to becoming extreme, but our unconscious memories which profoundly influence our way of walking on this spiritual path…

And yet, what does it mean to be spiritual?

Contrary to what most people think, being spiritual is not simply praying or practicing a particular ritual; to be spiritual is to be qualitative in everything we do... Because spirituality is a path of evolution, of improvement which can welcome all those who wish to know themselves and better understand the deep meaning of life, and this, whatever the tradition, religion, etc.

Even if many people marry religion & spirituality together, being spiritual is not dependent on religious practice, on the contrary, it is a philosophy, a way of living in connection with the multi-dimensions of life. It is also a search to understand more deeply what is experienced… A quest for meaning in “metro-work-sleep”… A way of trying to understand life and communicate more deeply with it, with yourself…

And being spiritual, in reality, comes down to wanting to become the best version of yourself, seeking to develop qualities of life that generate happiness on all levels...

Everyone is looking for happiness... and in one way or another everyone is spiritual, without even knowing it sometimes... A man who helps selflessly is spiritual, a child who dances in the rain is spiritual … A sick person who smiles at life is spiritual… We all have our moments of depth and we all have the ability to connect to a force greater than ourselves…

Moreover, when medicine, for example, cannot respond to the ills experienced, many turn to spirituality, in order to find a deep cause for their internal or external discomfort... And you should know that spirituality can really bring answers, and yes, much more precise and logical answers than you might think, but for that you really need to find a modern and balanced spiritual teaching... and above all seek answers with discernment, so as not to enter into extremism which destroys instead of helping us to build…

Perfectionism and high ideals

Perfectionism is an essence which in its positive aspect helps us to improve ourselves, to surpass ourselves to achieve the best of ourselves... But sometimes perfectionism can also harm our morale, and make us dry, too analytical, too square, unsatisfied …

Our emotional plane can then become blocked and cause deep frustrations if we are not able to recognize our efforts, to congratulate ourselves for the steps we take... And to love life in the perfection of its imperfections...

This perfectionism can affect our spiritual aspirations. Having ideals, spiritual values ​​in our concepts is something positive, because it allows us to follow our dreams during our journey, and thus keep an intention focused on why we are working on ourselves, on what we wish to achieve and integrate as qualities, like virtues. The strength of intention can lead to the manifestation of our greatest aspirations…


However, high ideals can, combined with certain weaknesses, lead us to become extreme. When our goals are too big, when we want to reach the top of the mountain first... When our ego begins to play tricks on us... Because we need certain qualities at the same time to reach these high peaks in a fair way, without hurting ourselves but on the contrary, strengthening ourselves.

The lack of love

We are spiritual when we do everything well to manifest ourselves consciously, with the desire to always do our best. Spirituality is putting knowledge into everything we do. We observe ourselves and work to transform our distortions, our weaknesses, where we act, feel or think in a way that we know is unfair.

When we are on this journey but we lack kindness towards ourselves, love, it can create major discrepancies for us... Like a genius who becomes too much in his head and not enough in his heart...

We seek to embody our values ​​by lacking gentleness, understanding, benevolence, which can hurt us and at the same time prevent us from evolving, because seeking to apply knowledge without love does not work... This attitude creates blockages, limits us... It makes us more conceptual than concrete, brings us frustration... We then find ourselves in a vicious circle of harshness, of demands, analyzing our environment in a drying way... And we can lose a lot of energy…

Life is a school, and we must accompany ourselves with the same love that we would offer to a child: When he wants to learn something, to improve somewhere and he gets discouraged, cries, or becomes harsh with himself, we speak to him with kindness, we comfort him... And this love gives him the will to start again in a better way to achieve his dreams, he can then regenerate quite naturally and achieve it...

To truly learn, we must love…

In our spirituality it's the same process, we must relearn to love ourselves, to compliment ourselves by noting our qualities, by recognizing where we have done well in our day, etc... This is part of the journey so that our learning is effective. and without extremism. To keep the beautiful side of perfectionism which helps us to surpass ourselves, but which is not too demanding or dissatisfied...

Lack of self-reflection and global vision

Becoming extreme towards ourselves or others is also a sign that we lack perspective, humility and discernment.

But what does it mean to apply the return to oneself? This is what we do every time we take a step back from a person or a situation that affects us, to recognize that what bothers us in the other is in reality a reflection of something that bothers us in ourselves...

The other is always a mirror of oneself... In terms of percentages of conscious or unconscious memories...

When we don't do this, we project our own disturbances onto the outside in different ways: Through reproaches, stinging remarks... Or even by seeking to influence others so that they correspond to our ideals, without realizing that 'By acting this way, we are harsh and sometimes controlling... All these attitudes contribute to making us extreme in the way we live our spirituality, and in general we do not realize that we act the same way towards ourselves...

Reinforcing this Law of resonance according to which we attract what we are in both positive and negative aspects allows us to stabilize ourselves, to become more solid and confident in our journey. We develop detachment, while being responsible… We broaden our global vision and thus discover true humility.

Indeed, as we deepen our spirituality, our vision of life broadens. We gradually become aware of the different memories that constitute our unconscious, and the fact that our soul experiences, is built on lives, and lives... That our distortions are percentages of who we are, and that they represent, once transformed, our greatest positive, qualitative potential…

Over time we realize that the cleaning of memories is done on a daily basis with patience and kindness, and that this allows us to rise, to improve ourselves, and also to inspire our environment to transform positively...

This collective and universal vision brings profound serenity... But it can be slowed down or influenced by a negative force that we can all experience, something that sometimes pushes us to focus on ourselves in a negative way, to selfishly satisfy certain needs, certain insecurities , etc…

And some already think they have reached high levels of spirituality, think they have reached the summit, while the path is only just beginning... This is what we call the spiritual ego.

The spiritual ego

As we have seen, spirituality and the journey awaken forces in our unconscious that make us surpass ourselves, become better and other memories that can limit us. There are percentages of memories in us, old behaviors, ways of thinking that we have encoded that do not necessarily want to improve, to develop qualities... To remain calm instead of entering into aggressiveness… To apologize instead of dominating… Our ego is part of this, and its influence on us can become profound.

We can easily recognize when our spiritual ego influences us: We feel superior to others, we have the impression of holding the absolute truth, that what others experience or what others have said is so much less important than our own. own knowledge and understanding… which has the effect of inferiorizing the people with whom we communicate, and leading us either to be constantly surrounded to feed this negative force within us, or to isolate ourselves.

Motivated by the negative ego, we can then find ourselves in a form of distorted, twisted spirituality where we seek to satisfy our personal needs, fill our insecurities generated by our attachment to matter... Much more than to evolve... We can then becoming a prisoner of an illusion which impoverishes us over time... and which makes us lose sight of the true spiritual journey...

The spiritual ego prevents us from understanding the place of each person in the process of individual and global evolution. A person led by the spiritual ego will not question their own attitudes, emotions and thoughts, and will not truly apply the Law of Resonance, because when we do it with sincerity and depth, the mask of the ego no longer has its place, we find our way and our balance between self-confidence and humility…

Solutions and balanced spirituality, without extremes

It is normal for different memories to come to the surface when we are spiritual, and it is a true gift from Heaven at the same time, which is part of the path… Encountering our weaknesses means that we are ready to transform them and move on to another step of understanding…

When we perceive that in one way or another we are extreme, we can meditate with positive mantras, such as with the Angelica Mantra techniques to develop the qualities that need to be worked on when we live life. extremism, for example: receptivity, i.e. the ability to listen, welcome, support, benevolence, love, indulgence, balance, etc. These qualities allow us to relearn to truly love ourselves, to find balance in our way of building ourselves, of elevating ourselves, both internally and in our way of acting...

The mantra is one of the oldest meditation techniques in existence, it dates back to the dawn of time. It is as powerful as it is simple to practice. Simply repeat a word, a sacred name or a phrase that carries deep meaning.

With the mantra, it is the intention which is the most important and which must be positive to generate a positive reprogramming of consciousness...


Working with mantras really means providing solutions to our problems, because we become what we repeat to ourselves internally... And the more qualities we repeat to ourselves, the more we can program them within ourselves and around us.

We become what we repeat to ourselves...
