How can a dream change a life?

Did you know that dreams have a logic that reveals to us the deepest dimensions of our consciousness and our existence? Indeed, all the elements of our dream, whether an object or people, are in reality symbols, which we have encoded through our own experiences, with their positive dimension and their negative dimension. All these symbols are part of the dreamer and represent him, even when he visits others in dreams. Did you know that dreams are a message from our unconscious that shows us why we think, feel and act in a particular way?
Comment un rêve peut changer une vie ?

The Dream: a sometimes confusing journey

At first glance, a dream may seem abstract, illogical, confusing. So how can a dream change a life? I imagine you have already had the experience of waking up and being disoriented after an intense dream. Sometimes the atmosphere of our dream can even “stick” to us and confuse us all day; we may even need 3-4 seconds to know where we are, the inner journey has been so powerful.

The depth of a dream

But what happens when we dream? How can we see things in dreams that we have never experienced in concrete terms or even seen in a film? How is it possible that a dream can have such a profound effect on our moods, even cause us to sweat, to wake up suddenly in fear or danger? Or amaze us with surprising, even premonitory, revelations?


The more we study dreams, the more we discover to what extent our consciousness and our unconscious are interconnected to our memories, to life programs, which are not only linked to our experience, but also to others, and to the multiple dimensions of life. 'Universe. The dream is access to our inner computer, but also to what we could call Skynet, the universal Internet.

The multidimensions of dreams

The more we evolve with dreams, the more we discover that it can become like a search engine, a possibility of receiving answers to our most intimate questions and the most useful secrets. It thus reveals to us who we are and gradually leads us to have access to the mysteries of the Universe and the multidimensions that constitute it.

A dream can change a life

A dream can change our life because it fundamentally allows us to identify our inner dysfunctions before they manifest themselves in concrete terms, thus offering us the possibility of transforming them and improving ourselves.

To understand dreams we must know that the meaning of our existence is only to develop qualities, to become a better person, a better soul. Thus, through our multiple experiences and realities (and those of our dreams) we learn to live, to think, to love; we thus integrate lessons of wisdom that transform our choices and modify our life directions.

A symbol in a dream

Take the example of the symbol of mother in a dream. First of all, it is important to know that a symbol can be both positive and negative, depending on how it presents itself in the dream.

If we see that our mother in a dream is kind, fair, bright, in a positive context, then she represents a part of us which reveals how we take care of ourselves, as well as our dimension and emotional expression for ourselves and for others. others: our caring, protective and nurturing attitude on the inner level. It is important to know that we all (whether we are men or women) have the symbol of the mother within us. Negatively, the mother will represent difficulties in loving herself, caring for others and herself, etc.

Associate the symbols

A symbol must always be put into context in the dream and also according to the other symbols that present themselves. What takes the most time when studying the interpretation of dreams and symbols is making the connection between them. Namely that the mother, if she is in an original context (the childhood home for example), will indicate our memories and what we experienced, what influenced us and which constitutes the foundation of our emotional .

If everything goes well in the dream, then great. But if there are problems, then this past experience is a fundamental emotional code that will influence many aspects of who we are and our lives.

The importance of context

If our mother is in a social context today in the dream, it will indicate whether one takes care of oneself when one is with others, or whether one completely forgets oneself and gets lost in our social relationships.

Also, to properly interpret a dream, we sometimes add to this general symbolism the qualities or weaknesses of our mother, as we perceive them. For example, she may have great motivation, a lot of energy to start projects, a sense of loyalty to her values; or she may have been too submissive, or a complicated person, too critical or controlling.

The origin of our behavior

So in a positive or negative dream (or half and half), our unconscious will speak to us about this aspect of ourselves, about our maternal dimension, loving or not, sometimes showing us healthy developments or things to change, which affect us, and can undermine our current relationships.

The dream will tell us in what context we behave in this way towards ourselves, and towards others in our way of supporting them, and above all where this behavior originally comes from, what created it.

Transforming memories

By applying symbolic language to our dreams, we can go back into our unconscious memories to clean them, to reprogram ourselves, and no longer repeat cyclical patterns in spite of ourselves, such as a repetitive relationship breakup with a very similar context, situations of harassment in our professional environment, a period of depression indicating an excess accumulated for a very long time, etc.

A dream can therefore allow us to free ourselves from our negative memories, from our karma, by becoming aware of the causes of behaviors which have limited us and/or caused us to suffer until then for years.

A single dream, understood in depth, can completely modify our way of thinking and being, our destiny, and allow us to move towards what is most just for ourselves and for others.

Reprogram yourself

Dreams are also one of the most advanced spiritual experiences when we know how to interpret them and use them for the good of our evolution. Because in a dream, unconscious memories that reside within us are revealed to us... We are told about our ways of thinking, feeling and acting... Which are benevolent or harmful, which create joy or blockages. And this, in all spheres of our life, and in all planes of our being.

A dream can even explain to us why we are sick, and what memories created our illness. Thanks to a dream, we can even anticipate the concrete manifestation of an illness, because by transforming negative dynamics at the level of our deep concepts, we can change the programming of our body.

The key to our future

The dream also has a premonitory dimension, it can help us orient ourselves in our life to make the fairest choices for ourselves and for others.

By using dreams to make major decisions in our lives, we can have access to the consequences of our choices. For example, we can ask ourselves before going to sleep, if it is right for our development to associate ourselves with this person professionally? We can receive a dream that shows us a deserted business with a feeling of emptiness, of sadness. In this case, the dreamer will then know his destiny if he chooses this path... Because the dream gives access to a universal calculation of all the elements, memories, of oneself, of the other, and of our affinities, compatibilities or incompatibilities. We can thus receive all kinds of dreams to guide us, by learning to ask questions.

The response received can also be profound, explaining that the dreamer must transform such and such a thing before this is possible, and this, without necessarily telling us right away whether it will work or not. The objective is always above all to develop qualities.

It is essential to remember this when working and using dreams when asking questions. If you only use dreams as a crystal ball, selfishly, too materialistically, you will very often be mixed up, because the first goal and ultimate objective is the development of qualities. Over time, the more we work on ourselves, the more we clean our memories, the more precise the dreams, and can clearly indicate guidance on a concrete and material level.

The essential

Studying your dreams also means developing a lot of humility, because they must be analyzed by coming back to yourself, by the fact that a dream always speaks of the dreamer with total transparency.



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