No, it’s not “just a dream”

-Hi, how are you ?
-Yes, great, except for this weird dream I had last night. It left a strange feeling on me when I got up.
-Okay, what was your dream?
-Oh, that was intense. I dreamed that our house was completely destroyed by a huge flood and our dog drowned.
-Oh yes ! Anyway ! But hey… The good news is that it’s just a dream! Don't worry about it; your dog is alive, and what's more, your house is fine! Come on, let’s go have a good coffee…
Non, ce n’est pas “juste un rêve”

The pre-engineered answer, a blow to the first domino

How many times have you heard in conversation, in a movie or even in hallway conversation, that a dream is “just a dream”?

What if this kind of pre-prepared response, said in semi-automatic mode to reassure the other (and quickly change the subject because it becomes uncomfortable) meant that, in the end, we struck the first blow and triggered a real domino effect beneath the surface? The kind that alters life opportunities or even worse, pushes dust deeper under the carpet?

The keystone: perceiving beyond our senses

If a dream, no matter what it was, was in fact the keystone to be identified and thus the cascading breakdowns could be changed, the wounds healed and the hopes founded, would it still be “just a dream”? Would you be ready to see beyond the symbols and understand the code that governs this fantastic and sometimes even terrifying universe?

It's hard at first, as a human being, to be interested in an intangible world, which seems 100% virtual and without a visible cause and effect relationship. Then, on the other hand, the technology and science that we are developing are grandiose, flourishing with brilliant and avant-garde ideas, even touching the boundaries of the physical and metaphysical worlds. Pushing the limits to move from an idea, a dream, to a reality.

The possibilities and intelligence are there more than ever, but why then are our dreams perceived as “just a dream”? Whereas an idea, just as intangible as a dream, can give birth to a technological revolution and change the quality of life of humanity.

Answering “it’s just a dream” would become, in a way, an attempt to reassure ourselves about something that our senses cannot yet identify and understand. We see to what extent our societies tend to value the external world in relation to success, personal accomplishment and, simultaneously, all our main senses are turned towards this environment to identify it, understand it and ultimately to survive.

So, we see, we taste, we smell, we touch and we hear. It’s simple, innate, and it’s effective. It works without you even really thinking about it. We then naturally talk in a mode of action and reaction which reinforces a certain sense of search for the functionality of things, clarity and progress.

These perceptions are undoubtedly invaluable. They create harmony to manifest well. Take one away and a handicap appears. Each of these extraordinary sensors makes us real computers, managing an extraordinary amount of information in just a few seconds.

But, in the long run, this innate nature could also become an operating bias if we do not take it further. Something as extraordinary as our senses could, through omission and lack of will, become a real limitation for our evolution. If we see the same roads, if we hear the same atmospheres, if we smell and taste the same ingredients and if we experience the same sensations, then perhaps in the end we live in a closed circuit…?

Our Source Code, the logs of consciousness

There is the external world, the one that our senses have always known, and there is the internal world, the one that requires us to update our senses. The latter continuously transmits an influx of information that resonates with what is perceived from the outside. For all situations and discussions, inevitably, we judge, we evaluate, we are happy, content or even angry, impatient or sad. We can envy, jealous or even reject, simply because of what we feel inside, within us, and by the echo transmitted from our senses.

Finally, we can say that we make decisions about invisible things. Aspects that cannot be seen, cannot be touched, cannot be heard or tasted. This is where it really gets interesting, this is where we can say that metaphysics really influences the physics of things.

Thus, we can say of this world – which animates life in us, programs the first lines of our thoughts, develops our emotions and then triggers our behavior – that it “codes” who we are, our personality, it is our Source Code. Where we have an advantage is that, unlike reality, we do not need to be a senior developer to consult the logs (registers displaying information on the good or bad functioning of a → very useful) code of our consciousness.

This code installed in us, and which can create slowdowns as well as accelerations, wow ???? like argh!!!????, ultimately line it is up to us to choose whether we decide to update it or not. To know if we want to stay with a version of the code which can limit our possibilities, or multiply them by adding knowledge to our perceptions.

The dreamverse, the metaverse that opens the night

Have you ever heard of the Metaverse? These 100% fictional and multi-dimensional universes in full swing, where you can own land, attend a play or even go shopping, are the perfect metaphor for dreams. They are virtual and yet connected to reality, they are there and yet if we are not interested in them they continue to exist.

We can see them in all colors (in all senses of the word) and everyone can move around with an avatar that represents them. That means if you decide to be a lion with DJ headphones and a jet pack on your back, you can do it.

In short, I will not go into details because that is not the aim of this article, but take a look, find out more and you will see that we are at the borders of the world of dreams, with the most and less than that implies, of course.

So, when we dream at night, we visit our “dreamverse”, that is to say the universe of our dreams, the very one which represents us by the symbolism found there. Indeed, each symbol that we see, regardless of its appearance, becomes in some way a holographic projection of who we are and according to a certain percentage of our personality.

In fact, if we dream of a car whose brakes no longer work, of an unhappy cat, of our father giving us a hug or of a colleague who helps us, all these represent strengths and weaknesses that the we carry within ourselves.

When we have beautiful dreams, we should see them as an encouragement to everything we do constructively in our life and to continue showing up well with others. We can say that it is a positive resonance with our senses.

However, because of this previously mentioned predisposition to go outward, there is often an unconscious or repressed buildup that leads one to receive less pleasant dreams or even nightmares. One of the keys I invite you to try is to see them more as a warning signal on your dashboard when you are driving. We only stop if it’s the red light! So, most of the time we are able to remain operational while knowing the parameters to be corrected.

Identifying is fundamental and universal

Every dream remains important to identify in order to be able to analyze it and thus avoid this famous domino effect. We know that the key to any problem resolution, whether in management, aeronautics or web development, is the quality of identification. The more accurate and precise our identification is, the better we will be able to apply a relevant and adequate solution in response, without dramatizing or exaggerating the magnitude of the problem in question.

If you want to start this identification process yourself, here are some key points to help you. It doesn't matter whether you are a novice or an expert in dream analysis, these steps are fundamental and they always are!

First identification steps

  • Is this a rather positive or negative dream?
  • Are the symbols in the right place? (example:if you dream of a camel in your living room, it is not in the right place; it will create more problems than benefits)
  • What do the people I see in dreams represent? (You must estimate the qualities and weaknesses that you think these people represent)
  • Did the dream scenario resolve in a positive way or not?
  • Is it night or day? (night = unconscious dynamics; day = active dynamics)

If we identify that the dream is negative, this indicates forces (thoughts, emotions, behaviors) that need to be reprogrammed and transformed to avoid an increase in problems in this area. In the same way, in IT, if a bug appears and we do not resolve it, it tends to amplify and affect other areas of use. Needless to say, the sooner the better!

“Okay, but what is the antidote?” Will you tell me? In fact, the resolution of a situation perceived in a dream will depend on your ability to then monitor these forces identified in the dream. To simplify, if you have identified impatience because of the symbol of your brother-in-law, George, present in the dream, then you must keep more precise attention on this fragment of your behavior, to prevent it from playing on you. turns in your daily discussions and projects.

Your log file tells you that you have a “George” type line of code that could cause you to be too impatient or impulsive currently if situation X or Y were to create resonance with that line. So, the more you are going to be able to perform global and background self-monitoring, (be careful, don't get extreme with this either! Practice makes things easier over time and much less robotic than when you begin to be vigilant to these strengths within yourself), the easier it becomes to identify the triggering moment of your inner George and to catch yourself.

Be careful though! Your real brother-in-law, Georges, in real life, has nothing to do with your dream. Indeed, it becomes a symbol that your consciousness knows to illustrate certain angles of your personality. So, don't rush to the phone to tell him about the dream he was impatient about, you'll add another problem to yourself in the process! ???? Finally, George also has extraordinary qualities and surely in another dream you will also discover his magnificent qualities in you.

The potential impact: if everyone analyzed their dreams

By communicating with different CEOs, leaders and managers in this world, or just by being an actor observing the exchanges, we can quickly assess that the greatest source of difficulties at the heart of work and getting things done is human behavior.

The machine, the computer, does not complain, does not create backbiting or corridor discussions. She does not aspire to the other's position nor dominate her employees or envy her boss. If we bring more knowledge to resolve the difficulties arising from the individual at the heart of a social and collective movement, we can really bring a new stage in terms of qualities of work and life.

In business, when you speak with Human Resources, you can very quickly see the extent of the potential damage caused by bad decisions based on impatience and impulsiveness (and much more!). So many dominoes have been toppled by inner forces when you think about it…

Now imagine a work environment where everyone arrives in the morning having received their own logs of their strengths and weaknesses at night, aspects potentially harmful to relationships. Everyone has their own “bug” in mind to watch out for to avoid more problems.

The quality would literally be improved because everyone would have the interest in doing things well, while coming back to their own resonance. Of course, this does not mean that everything would be perfect and rosy, but a new milestone would be established without a doubt. And as all change takes time, if everyone starts with themselves, one dream at a time, we can say that one day, a dream, is no longer “just a dream”.


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