I always dream about my ex

Do you still dream about your ex? Would you like to understand why it comes back at night, even though you have turned the page? Your reality is one thing, you are sure of yourself, but when you wake up, you sometimes feel mixed?... What is true? What is real?... Did you know that your dreams show you the keys to your future? The keys to your change... The codes that live within you and influence your thoughts, your heart, and your choices... Even when you don't know it.
Je rêve toujours à mon ex

I always dream about my ex

During the day I love one man and at night I love another... Am I normal?

You were in his arms, you even felt his smell... You had forgotten him anyway... but at night you still remember him... And your dreams are so real that when you wake up you feel guilty... Your husband who sleeps at your side... You feel embarrassed by these dreams that come back again and again...

In this article, find out why millions of people dream about their old relationships and what it really means.

Haunted by the past

However, for many it is clear that this relationship is over, but the fact remains that in dreams the past often resurfaces in surprising ways!

We all have a reservoir of memories and this reservoir defines us as a person. This reservoir defines our attractions, our disturbances, and even our way of loving...

Someone who has suffered in the past, suffered from being betrayed for example, has recorded hundreds or even thousands of negative memories about love which will influence the way they close their heart sometimes, out of fear. to suffer again.

And when the being “forgets” his suffering, when he represses them for example, he then enters a reservoir that we call the unconscious. Where the data of who you are resides, of which you are not aware... And when this reservoir fills up - here for the context of negative memories - it can lead to depression. Because the “system” has accumulated too much pressure… Like a couple who accumulate too much frustration, unsaid words or anger, could eventually choose to separate.

We are all living computers which record positive and negative memories, every moment of our life... And at night, through dreams our consciousness dives into this unconscious reservoir to better understand ourselves, to avoid even more intense misfortunes sometimes.

If only you knew all the problems we can avoid in our lives through the science of dreams... Human beings, it is absolute, must sooner or later learn to decode their consciousness and their memories in order to clean up their lives. inside yourself.

If you are haunted by the past, it means that your soul is looking for answers now... That you are ready to go further too... Learn to transform old negative memories into positive memories.

Is it possible to still love?

Through this article, I wish to say to all those who are experiencing heartbreak and who look to the future and ask themselves: “Is it possible to still love? "… Yes ! I tell you, it's possible to love again... It's even possible to love even better... Like getting up after having fallen and moving forward better afterwards... But to achieve that you sometimes have to clean up your our inner computer… As in our way of conceiving the presence of others in our lives.

And in this journey of repairing the “broken heart”, dreams are really the key to opening the doors of memories within oneself…

And with courage, in a dream, you can face the truth, go and see why you are hurting, why this relationship has failed, and above all what you can improve in yourself to one day find love in a new light... a day find love in a more beautiful light... and also so that love is synonymous with happy longevity...

Is it possible to still love him?

Yes, it's possible that you still love him, often dreaming that you are in a relationship with your ex... But the more expert we become in analyzing our dreams, the more we understand that everything is a question of "percentages" and “parts of oneself”… Let’s start by explaining the percentage dynamic:

A beautiful dream or nightmare always represents percentages of our thoughts, emotions and or actions. Which means that you can dream of a sadness that you carry within you, but it will only represent 3% of your current state... Or you can have the same dream but it will represent 40%... It all depends on your accumulation of memories and your ability to renew yourself.

Someone who is super jealous in love will also dream of a jealous situation sometimes... And if this person is super-jealous their dream can represent 79% of their current personality... While someone else could receive a similar dream and have only 0.8% jealousy in terms of accumulation…

All this to explain that yes, if you continually dream about your ex it is possible that you still love him or her, or that you still love what he or she represents for you... If he or she was rebellious for example, if it is what your ex represents for you, then you can understand that you are still attracted, not always but at times, to this force of rebellion, of going against others to get what you want, and sometimes of wanting too much do things your way, etc.

We attract what we are

We attract what we are, so your dreams show you that you are still a bit like your ex somewhere, often in the negative, because sometimes we have not completely finished learning from a situation, even when we have finished living it… We can still process several parameters within ourselves…

And living with someone, sharing as a couple is a very intimate experience... We often say: "I have it in my skin" and this kind of expression is very colorful, but at the same time symbolically means how much we share self and how much the other person can influence us, enter into ourselves in terms of behavioral, memory and emotional influence.

And if you are super-ordered as a person, but you attracted a completely disordered ex, that also means something... Life can be analyzed exactly like in a dream... It means that somewhere, deep down you are also a bit like that at times or in certain specific contexts… And you can also attract a person in a relationship who resembles who you were before…. Hmm… it’s super interesting when you think about it, the science of resonances…. 🙂

A part of me

The other is always a part of oneself in dreams... Why? Because we visit our own consciousness at night, so you see how this symbol lives in you... Ok, stop! What does all this mean?

This means that if you dream of your ex, on a beach with a dog: all the symbols are a part of you: you are your ex, you are the beach, you are the dog and you are you... You are visiting yourself -even at night, you visit your own memory percentages.

So, don't be afraid to dream about your exes! 🙂 Because they are in reality a symbolism which represents facets of the past which still exist in themselves in the form of a symbol.

Sometimes you are too nice, sometimes romantic, sometimes too distant or dependent... Like such and such an ex... And your dreams show you... Show different sides of you.

It's over in reality, but what if it wasn't over in you yet?

In summary, dreaming about your ex means that certain percentages of what this person represents for you are still there... Still sticking to your skin...

You can change house, but still feel sad... It's not the concrete change that will change everything in you... So it's the same thing in a relationship, you can change spouse and still feel sad , not finding real happiness... The one that we should not seek through the other, the one that we should find in ourselves... Even if one day a happy and fused couple can really self-generate mutual happiness & deep…

When you dream that you are making love to your ex or you see yourself kissing him, what you need to be careful about is not waking up thinking about him all day, thinking that he is going to come back to you. your life or that he still loves you, because sometimes it can only be symbolic!

Even if premonitions exist, rare are the contexts where it becomes a premonition, because millions of people dream about their ex and they don't all come back together (laughs)!

So it's important not to project and conceptualize a reunion, or get lost in the twists and turns of the past... Because often you can dream about your ex and maybe he or she doesn't dream about you or no longer shares the same affinities, etc.

We must then be vigilant not to project onto the outside, but rather question what this person represents for us because they become a symbol in a dream equation that is very interesting to understand, about ourselves and what we have. still to be finalized in relation to this old relationship.

Change relationships like changing shoes

Do you want to know the truth in all this? The truth is that the majority of people will change relationships too quickly. They finalize a relationship that created a failure in their life and out of need, out of a desire to fill the void, the lack, they will start a new relationship too quickly. Often without having taken the time to take stock, to make peace and to renew ourselves as a person.

We cannot change relationships like we change pairs of shoes, because our unconscious is filled with memories with the person, memories that have been shared on an intimate level, at a much deeper level than we can imagine. …

It takes time to take stock of your life when you choose to end a relationship and as the vast majority do not take the time to internalize, take stock of yourself, dreams remind us of what is alive still within us in terms of memories... Dreams can bring to the surface a difficult, undigested past, a fear of being cheated on, etc. Always to help you improve and eventually free you from what is still holding you back...

Why dream about your ex?

So, in the end, why dream about your ex? To know yourself better… To understand these “famous” percentages of memories…

Because if you are still “connected” to him or her that you once loved, still connected if only 20%, in your heart, in your soul… This 20%, it prevents you from loving 100% the person who is currently present in your life or the one who will come one day...

Hmm… So cleaning up our memories is interesting in the end, to one day find our full potential 100%… To one day love 100% ❤︎



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