Experts in Symbolic Language® since 2001

The world reference in dream interpretation

UCM is a non-profit organization whose mission is to help everyone know themselves better and improve their lives through the interpretation of dreams, signs and symbols as well as yoga and meditation.
Send your dreams, on demand.

25 years of expertise in Symbolic Language® and more than 100,000 dreams analyzed.

Improve your mental and emotional well-being - Join thousands of people around the world who benefit from a better understanding of their dreams. 

Our conferences

Take masterclasses on Symbolic Intelligence®

From analyzing dreams to decoding situations using Symbolic Language®, access a set of conferences unique in the world.
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Understanding your Dreams

A meeting every two weeks with Kaya . Ask your questions live and enter the extraordinary world of dream interpretation.
Send your dreams
And directly
Learn more about dreams
Soon live

UCM Conferences

Every month, a conference presented by one of the UCM professors in the light of Symbolic Language®.
Situation analysis
Symbolic Language®
Many topics
Angels & life situations

Understanding Angels

Ancestral wisdom, in a modern era. Understand the Angels through concrete situations and real-life events.
Help in working on yourself
Excellent for understanding Angels
Concrete examples
Coming soon

Deep questions

We all ask ourselves deep questions... At a time when our consciousness opens, when we move forward on the path of personal development... Send your questions in advance and attend the free live with Kasara Di Benedetto who will answer your deepest questions... A free meeting, open to all, every 2 months in French and every 2 months in English...

Note: These free live conferences will begin in English on November 21, 2024
Send your questions
Live discussion & feedback
1 time per month

Our services

Dream on Demand

Wherever you are in the world and at any time, send your dream for analysis and receive a structured and dimensioned interpretation of its meaning from our team of Symbolic Language™ experts.
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UCM Consultations

Experience a deep and quality meeting on an inner level that allows you to receive advice from an expert in Emotional Intelligence and Symbolic Language certified by the UCM Teaching & Research Center.
Learn more

We all dream every night, whether we remember them or not... And very often, these dreams can seem more real than reality... What is the meaning of these mysterious images that come to us during the night? What message do they have to send to us? What if they had something to tell us... Revelations to pass on to us to improve our lives...
Did you know that dreams have a logic that reveals to us the deepest dimensions of our consciousness and our existence? Indeed, all the elements of our dream, whether an object or people, are in reality symbols, which we have encoded through our own experiences, with their positive dimension and their negative dimension. All these symbols are part of the dreamer and represent him, even when he visits others in dreams. Did you know that dreams are a message from our unconscious that shows us why we think, feel and act in a particular way?
Do you still dream about your ex? Would you like to understand why it comes back at night, even though you have turned the page? Your reality is one thing, you are sure of yourself, but when you wake up, you sometimes feel mixed?... What is true? What is real?... Did you know that your dreams show you the keys to your future? The keys to your change... The codes that live within you and influence your thoughts, your heart, and your choices... Even when you don't know it.
-Hi, how are you ?
-Yes, great, except for this weird dream I had last night. It left a strange feeling on me when I got up.
-Okay, what was your dream?
-Oh, that was intense. I dreamed that our house was completely destroyed by a huge flood and our dog drowned.
-Oh yes ! Anyway ! But hey… The good news is that it’s just a dream! Don't worry about it; your dog is alive, and what's more, your house is fine! Come on, let’s go have a good coffee…
A volcano suddenly erupts; a tsunami that surges and takes away everything in its path, or a bomb that explodes... What would it mean if we saw these destructive symbols in a dream? It would then be a very intense nightmare. But what could this nightmare teach us about our emotional state? Hum!!! You certainly suspect it a little!!! This would not bode well for a peaceful and restful day...
Life is constantly in motion, and never stops, like a river flowing endlessly... But that doesn't mean we can't take a moment to appreciate the past. Remembering the good times, like the trials that made us evolve. So take a step back, and look at your life. See how much you have accomplished and what you have learned. And be grateful for every moment, every sign, every dream that guides you in every moment. Because they are all part of your story, and build who you become.