Ange 8

Angel 8 Cahetel

Situations & Calendars

“I can receive love, abundance and success.”

Cahetel is the Angel of blessing, gratitude, childbirth and delivery. It helps us to materialize well by following the natural movement of our life program. It is the patron of the 4 elements: fire, air, water and earth.


Qualities to develop by doing the mantra with this Angel.

  • Divine Blessing
  • Gratitude
  • Materializes the Divine Will
  • Childbirth, childbirth
  • Easy success, progress, help to change lifestyle
  • Great work capacity, active life
  • Material wealth
  • Fertile lands, bountiful harvests, food for the soul
  • Harmony with Cosmic Laws
  • Patron of the four elements: fire, air, water, earth
  • Free from evil spirits


Weaknesses that can be transformed thanks to this Angel.

  • Lack of gratitude
  • Excessively self-centered, self-interested, predatory behavior
  • Hardware failure, ruin
  • Acts against Destiny, rebels against his life plan and against the Cosmic, Divine Program
  • Useless and sterile activities
  • Excessive voluntarism, rigidity
  • Despotism, pride, bad character, blasphemy
  • Fortune used only for material purposes
  • Torrential rains, floods, polluted waters
  • Catastrophic climate, fires
  • Troubled feelings, aggression, transgression
  • Acts against the law, corruption, crushes others


Dynamics and situations related to this Angel.

  • Childbirth
  • Agriculture
  • Blessing of Dwelling
  • Blasphemy
  • Catastrophes
  • Pregnancy
  • Floods
  • Hurricane
  • Pollution

Angel Calendars

Dates on which the Angel is manifested.

Physical Calendar
From April 26 to 30

Intellectual Calendar

Emotional Calendar
January 16 00:00 - 23:59
28 mars 00:00 - 23:59
June 10 00:00 - 23:59
August 25 00:00 - 23:59
06 November 00:00 - 23:59

Additional information about the Angel



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