
Angel 66 Manakel

Situations & Calendars

“An initiate is a being who knows evil and who consciously chooses to no longer do it.”

Manakel is the Angel of understanding good and evil. Its energy allows us to deeply understand that evil is educational. It helps us understand that life is based on a code made up of positive (+) and negative (-). Thus, we can discern what is right at all times, in order to make the right life decisions.


Qualities to develop by doing the mantra with this Angel.

  • Knowledge of good and evil
  • Transcendence of fears
  • Stability, confidence
  • Help create a beautiful life
  • High morality
  • Soothes the being, cures illnesses
  • Kindness, kindness, kindness
  • Unleash the potential buried deep within
  • Neurotechnologie
  • Dreams, musings, High Initiation
  • Reunification of the qualities of body and mind


Weaknesses that can be transformed thanks to this Angel.

  • Plays with negative forces, doesn't understand that evil attracts evil
  • Receptiveness to dark forces
  • Instability, lack of faith and trust, suicidal tendencies
  • Potential trapped in negative memories
  • Old soul that doesn't want to change, laziness
  • Feelings of superiority and inferiority
  • Megalomaniacal attitudes
  • Dangerous and Machiavellian manipulator, ready to do anything to achieve his ends, absence of principles and altruistic values
  • Physical and moral disturbances
  • Search for only material enjoyments and social prestige
  • For a woman: late manifestation of her personality
  • For a man: late meeting with the woman
  • Dangerous friendships
  • Destructive mind, impulsivity
  • Does not keep his promises
  • Refusal to apply Knowledge
  • Abusive, bad and malicious use of technology
  • Anger towards God, revolt


Dynamics and situations related to this Angel.

  • Acne
  • Friendliness
  • Arthritis, osteoarthritis, rheumatism
  • Kidney stones
  • Dents
  • Gums
  • Incurable disease
  • Malice
  • Cold, cold
  • Dreams, dream interpretations
  • Stability
  • Temptations

Angel Calendars

Dates on which the Angel is manifested.

Physical Calendar
From February 15 to 19

Intellectual Calendar

Emotional Calendar
January 2 00:00 - 23:59
14 mars 00:00 - 23:59
May 27 00:00 - 23:59
August 10 00:00 - 23:59
October 23 00:00 - 23:59

Additional information about the Angel



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