
Angel 63 Anauel

Situations & Calendars

“One for all and all for each other.”

Anauel is the Angel of perception of unity. It facilitates success in communication and human relationships. It helps us understand in more depth the concepts of exchanges and money to generate abundance by materializing in a fair and equitable way. This Angel helps us become a great leader and become One again.


Qualities to develop by doing the mantra with this Angel.

  • Perception of Unity
  • Success in human relations, ease of communicating
  • Practical intelligence, logic, global vision
  • Initiator of projects and companies dedicated to the service of the Divine
  • Correct understanding of the concept of money and exchanges
  • Ability to materialize in a fair, equitable manner and respecting the stages
  • Ability to generate great abundance with new concepts, new ideas and technologies
  • Administrator, coordinator, planner, visionary
  • Trader, banker, business agent, industrialist, entrepreneur in the service of the Divine
  • Expert in understanding mentalities and cultures
  • Mastery of emotions
  • Great leader, inspiration
  • Citizen of the Universe


Weaknesses that can be transformed thanks to this Angel.

  • Gets lost in details, gives too much importance to money, selfishness
  • Inability to create unity in a group
  • Difficulty generating abundance, exchanging with others, succeeding in business
  • Problems with new concepts, new ideas and technologies
  • Lack of knowledge and respect for other mentalities and cultures
  • Intellectual superiority complex, believes he knows everything, arrogant mind
  • Difficulty guiding and inspiring others
  • Travel limitations, inability to obtain the Universal Passport and access to parallel worlds
  • Lack of wisdom in business
  • Lack of common sense, overall vision and understanding
  • Corruption
  • Willing to do anything to make money
  • False reasoning, manipulated by desires
  • Excessive prodigality (spending more than he owns), waste, ruin
  • Limited mind, overly critical, overly rational
  • Cold appreciation
  • Difficulty or refusal to believe in a Higher Power, atheism


Dynamics and situations related to this Angel.

  • Universal Love, Supreme Love
  • Communication
  • Mains
  • Negotiation
  • Organisation
  • Unit

Angel Calendars

Dates on which the Angel is manifested.

Physical Calendar
From January 31 to February 4

Intellectual Calendar

Emotional Calendar
11 mars 00:00 - 23:59
May 24 00:00 - 23:59
August 7 00:00 - 23:59
October 20 00:00 - 23:59
December 30 00:00 - 23:59

Additional information about the Angel



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