
Angel 48 Mihael

Situations & Calendars

“The couple lives first within themselves.”

Mihael is the Angel of fertility. It helps us understand the extraordinary potential for love and happiness of a couple, if it is lived in harmony, fidelity and respect. Its energy helps us to merge our masculine and feminine polarities within ourselves, to find marital harmony.


Qualities to develop by doing the mantra with this Angel.

  • Fertility, fecundity
  • Marital harmony and peace
  • Marriage, marital fidelity
  • Reconciliation, fusion of masculine and feminine polarities
  • Reproduction, growth
  • Helps to generate a great soul
  • Sexuality experienced divinely
  • Easy destiny in associations and partnerships
  • Gift of clairvoyance, improvement of perception
  • Inner and outer peace
  • Helps to materialize Divine Intentions
  • Providential protection
  • Receptivity and listening applied wisely


Weaknesses that can be transformed thanks to this Angel.

  • Sterility, difficulty fathering a child or conceiving a project
  • Discord, disagreement between spouses, jealousy, inconstancy, infidelity
  • Fear of losing the other, possessiveness, subjugation, machismo
  • Sexual problems and/or lust, passion, search for sensual pleasure to compensate for the absence of spiritual life
  • Unsuccessful businesses
  • Claiming the place of the other, competition
  • Feelings of attraction and repulsion
  • Multiple relationships, libertinism, prostitution


Dynamics and situations related to this Angel.

  • Abundance
  • Divorce
  • Fertility,
  • Fertility
  • Pregnancy
  • Impose
  • Jealousy
  • Marriage
  • Possessiveness
  • Sexuality

Angel Calendars

Dates on which the Angel is manifested.

Physical Calendar
From November 18 to 22

Intellectual Calendar

Emotional CalendarFebruary 24 00:00 - 23:59
08 May 00:00 - 23:59
July 22 00:00 - 23:59
October 5 00:00 - 23:59
December 16 00:00 - 23:59

Additional information about the Angel



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