The impact of our memories

But actually... What are memories? How it works ? How does this work in itself? Where do they come from? Why are they there? Can we change them? What is their effect on a life? Can this affect me on a personal level? At work ? In the social?... Here is an article which will answer these different questions...
L’impact de nos mémoires

What are memories?

Memories are codes of our thoughts, emotions and actions that have been recorded from the past and influence the way we think, feel and act today. It is also important to know that these codes also influence our future, hence the importance of rectifying them if they are not programmed in a positive way.

Memories are created on all levels – spiritual, intellectual, emotional and physical. Memories have been recorded since we were born and even before. Thus, all the experiences and emotions, both positive and negative, that we have had are recorded in our memories, our internal hard drive.

Positive memories and negative memories

Positive memories help us to manifest the qualities that we have developed, to experience and bring to fruition the good work that we have done in the past and that we transpose into the present.

Negative memories show us what we have accumulated through our negative experiences in our thoughts and actions, and that we must work, clean and transform to evolve on all levels. Otherwise, the same difficult patterns will tend to repeat themselves in our lives.

Understanding our memories

We can understand our memories using symbolic language (because everything is a symbol), meditation, the law of resonance (we attract everything that we are, in the positive, but also the negative) and of course, through our dreams. Learning to interpret our dreams is a very advanced, even avant-garde, way to understand our memories, who we are, what we are becoming, and what we need to correct to become a better person. Dreams are the portal to the unconscious where we can access the memories of this life that we have forgotten, or of which we are not aware, and thanks to symbolic language, we can analyze and transform our memories.

It is important to view our memories in percentage terms. Because if, for example, we are shown in a dream that we have a feeling of superiority, that we seek social recognition, or that we have too much need to please, this does not mean that we are only that. It must be seen as a percentage that must be transformed to continue to improve :)

Impact of Memoirs on our lives

Personal life

Sometimes we can wonder why we had a difficult childhood, why we have marital and family difficulties. Memories play a vital role in our current lives and provide information that tells us what we need to learn. For example, if we have been harsh and hurtful to a spouse in the past, then through the Law of Karma, we will experience the difficulties we have put the other through, to learn what that's it and don't repeat this behavior again.

It is not necessary that we receive the lesson in the exact form, but it can be through different situations and with different people in our personal lives. For example, if we were unfaithful to our spouse in a past life, then we can experience that same pattern in this life, or another, to learn the importance of faithfulness and the harmful consequences that it has. generates.

But there are also wonderful experiences that we can have on a personal level, such as a loving and caring family, a balanced intimacy which are the result of positive memories and which sow beautiful things for our future.

Professional life

Another area of ​​life where people wonder “why” is work. Why a difficult boss? Why this lack of recognition at work? Why is there sometimes inequity or too much ambition and competition? Etc… This shows that in our memories, we carry % where we have been (or created) what we encounter, where there has been favoritism, abuse of power, ego games, etc.

But whatever situation we find ourselves in, we are there to learn. We learn to be kind, patient, respectful, not to seek recognition and praise in work... We learn the true meaning of work, which is to develop qualities and virtues. And when we stop rebelling or being a victim, we improve, we take the next step, and new learnings and opportunities become available to us.

When we are able to show up well at work and we have a healthy environment, we respect others and we are respected and we have great opportunities to develop, we live the positive memories we have built.

Social streets

Some people are very comfortable in social life and have no fear of speaking in public; while others struggle to be comfortable. Again, this is all due to the memories one has recorded over the course of one's many lives.

If a person has experienced humiliation, judgment and rejection at a social level, they will tend to shy away from society, not to have confidence in themselves, to feel inferior and to be afraid to express their opinion, etc. And understanding this can help us to have more compassion and better support the person in surpassing themselves and in rediscovering their deep qualities.

Memories create who we are today

We record memories at all levels of our lives and every day... Through these memories, we live the life that we ourselves have created. The goal of life being to develop Qualities and Virtues, it becomes essential to understand our memories and the impact they have on our present life.

We can rectify our past errors by analyzing them, applying the law of resonance, and above all by having the Will to change our internal and external patterns which make us go in circles, or which bring negative situations. Memories show us our own reflection and once we understand them, we understand the impact of them and we have the power to change our lives for the better.

Know that it is never too late to choose to work on ourselves, on our memories, to find within ourselves our deepest strengths and our full potential.
