5 Signs That Show You Are Spiritual

You always felt different from others. You ask yourself questions that most people don't have answers to. You observe your family members and realize things about them that they don't even realize. Do you think you have a problem? Don’t worry, it’s normal. You experience an opening of consciousness. You are becoming spiritual...
5 Signes qui montrent que tu es Spirituel

1 – You feel like you’re playing roles all the time

When you were younger, you loved family gatherings so much, playing with your cousins, seeing your aunts and uncles, or family friends. But for some time now, you have found it different. You realize that your uncle always tells the same stories about his work and you force yourself to listen to him. When she says hello, your aunt always kisses you with her lipstick dripping down your cheek, and she hugs you in an almost wrestling hold. And the worst part is that she doesn't realize it... :) Your cousin makes dirty jokes during the meal and it makes everyone laugh, but you feel that his wife has had enough and is forcing herself smiling for too long.

And you, in the middle of all this, remain the one who is nice to everyone. You would like to say certain things, but you try not to create discomfort around you because you know that it could ruin the atmosphere. So you shut up, you smile, and you continue to play your role, like everyone around you…

It’s very common when we become spiritual to feel like we’re playing roles with the people around us. And this is normal at first, because to know ourselves in depth, we need to experience ourselves, to “test” all the roles that exist to understand them better. You have to have been too nice to understand true kindness... And you have to have been crushed to know where your limits are and have them respected... Just like you have to have been too imposing with others to know how far you can go .

“It’s normal to play roles at first… We experiment with our personality… Until we find the Essence of who we are…”

One day, we come to understand these different roles that we have played, or that we have seen around us, and we understand that certain energies do not create a harmonious energy, and that others can on the contrary create a beautiful atmosphere. We analyze the + and – of each person and we know which roles are positive, and which are negative… And we can then integrate into ourselves the positive side of what we have experienced…

And it is by learning to know ourselves better through our dreams that we can truly know the facets of our personality. We can see in our dreams our needs for attention, our desires to please, our memories of lack of self-esteem, etc... But also our welcoming energy, our generosity, our motivation, and all of our beautiful qualities... And by studying them, by understanding them, we can also better recognize them when they manifest themselves on a daily basis, whether in ourselves or through the people around us.

With the opening of consciousness that we experience when we are spiritual, we can feel very destabilized, because we discover many different parts of ourselves, and our personality can feel fragmented, no longer knowing who we are. But by practicing meditation or Mantra, we can find unity in our personality, know what our main essence is and develop it in a direction that is constructive for ourselves and for the people around us. strong> We then no longer need to play a role, because our personality is better unified and concentrated.

So we can more easily react to the different energies that we encounter on a daily basis... We are able to speak to someone who has disrespected us, diplomatically, without projecting our disturbance onto the other. And we are able to let it go too, to not be extreme in our reaction... And we have compassion for the other at that moment, rather than responding with hatred,because we comes back to oneself… We understand that the other always shows us a side of ourselves through the Law of resonance…

“With the Law of Resonance, we understand that the other is always a part of us.”

Because yes, your uncle, your aunt and your cousin are always parts of you to transform... And if you feel disturbed by their attitude, it is because there is something to understand about it, a percentage in you who resonate with them... And if you work on it, that you transform it into yourself, one day you will no longer be bothered, and you will be able to react in the right way.

When we are spiritual like you, it is our responsibility to work on ourselves, not to project our disturbance onto others. And if we can do it one day at a time, one memory after another, then one day we feel unified, confident, and we no longer need to play roles... Because we know who we are, we knows who the other is, and we know exactly what the right energy is to adopt with the person...

2 – You are looking for meaning in your life

When you see the people around you, some have a good job, a good salary, but you feel that something is missing in their life... You have the impression that they are living in an illusion... Matter is present around of them, they have a family, but they don't seem deeply happy. Before, you didn't realize it, but the more you observe the people around you, the more you understand that matter and money are tools that help create stability, but are not the source of happiness…

So you ask yourself questions and wonder what you are doing here? Why do we live, why do we die? What's the point of having a job if you're not happy doing it? And that we think more about our salary than anything else to motivate ourselves?

These questions are very important to ask yourself, and we often find these questions among spiritual people. Because one day, the more we understand life in depth, the more we are aware of the illusions in which most people live. But at the same time, there is an essential aspect to understand about all this, because illusions have their place... Illusion is educational, and it is very important not to forget it... If you tell your parents overnight that their marriage is an illusion because they don't really love each other, or that they spent 40 years of their life doing a job they don't like, they will probably not react very well… 🙂

“We should never impose our values ​​on others, even if they are positive.”

This is why you have to be careful when you are a spiritual person not to become extreme in relation to the meaning of life. Yes, you have chosen to see life in more depth, and that’s great. But just because the other person doesn't meditate or is too materialistic doesn't mean he's a bad person... Maybe your uncle tells dirty jokes at family gatherings, but at least he's a reliable person, well organized in his work, a good father who loves his children... And that is important not to forget.

The meaning of life is something so personal and deep, and it is for this reason that we should never impose our values ​​on others, even if they are positive. Because even the positive, if it is imposed on the other, can become negative because of the intention you put into it... So before talking about the meaning of life to your uncle, turn your tongue 7 times in your mouth and say be careful not to “turn his brain” too quickly… Because he needs these stages to evolve and develop qualities that he could not develop otherwise :)

3 – You don’t feel well and you don’t know why

And yet you have everything you need in your life... You have a place to stay, a family, food and materials in abundance around you; you have everything to be happy but you are not and that questions you. So you go to see a psychologist and he gives you a diagnosis: you suffer from depression. He's right, and wanting to do the right thing, he prescribes you anti-depressants. It helps you and you feel better for a while, but when you stop taking it, it's a free fall. It's a roller coaster in your emotions while everything is calm around you, and it turns you upside down...

But it's not your therapist's fault. He advised you to the best of his knowledge and anti-depressants have their place for people who are dangerous to themselves and others. But if you really want to heal in depth, it's time to meet your memories... They are the ones that create these discrepancies in your life...

And when we understand the reality of memories, we even realize that depression is a stage that is sometimes necessary for certain people... Because someone who is depressed is experiencing an opening of consciousness... And this can activate in him a new force, a germ of renewal which would not have been possible without this emergence of memories. All these phases are typical of spiritual people, and even if you don't really feel depressed, you understand what it is and you too experience ups and downs without knowing why.

“It is memories that are at the origin of all the difficulties we encounter… Like a computer that is saturated with programs…”

Indeed, it is our memories that make us not feel good inside... And they can sometimes make us act strangely too... Like rejecting someone we love, being afraid of love, or feeling attracted to someone who hurts us or disrespects us…

You can see all this in your dreams. And by working on your dreams, studying them and understanding them, you can really deeply integrate why you don't feel well. And with the practice of meditation, of Mantra, you can clean your memories, and thus transform yourself from the inside. And there you finally understand why you feel like that... And you can start again appreciate what life has given you.

It’s so important to remain grateful for what you’ve been given in life, even if it’s not perfect. We should always take a moment in our day where we thank Life, the Universe or God, whatever you call him, for everything positive in our life... And one day, if we cultivate this state of mind, we are even capable of feeling gratitude in the most difficult, negative moments... Because we understand that the negative is there to help us evolve.

If despite your efforts you still feel in difficulty, feel free to make an appointment at the UCM clinic. We know what it’s like to not feel good. We've all experienced it... And if you want to have profound life advice on what you're going through, you can be sure that you will be understood and supported with kindness...

4 – You would like to change the world… but you don’t know how

When you watch the news on television, you wonder why we don't talk about more important issues. It’s always the same refrain, the same energy of fear, of insecurity that hovers. You have had enough and you would like people to realize the beauty of life, to get out of their problems and stop worrying about it for nothing. You even start to wonder if there isn't a conspiracy somewhere...

So you try to change the world around you. You have lively debates with some friends who think differently. People call you an idealist, but you resist. You don't let it happen. And sometimes this creates tension with those close to you. You get angry at people who have a down-to-earth outlook on life. Or you don't say anything, and you stay silent, but you get crushed by other people's opinions... Hmm...

This is often how a spiritual person will react: either by being too reactionary, extremist, or by saying nothing and being too nice. Or sometimes switching from one to the other. And one day we understand that no matter how hard we try to bring out the best arguments in the world, if the other person doesn't want to change, they won't change.

But at the same time, this is not an excuse to avoid conflicts and never express yourself when someone asks for your opinion. We must be careful when we are spiritual not to run away from the disturbances that we may have regarding certain subjects or certain people... And withdraw from society by telling ourselves that in any case, we will never arrive at the to change…

“It’s the deep desire to improve that everyone has within themselves that can one day change the world… One person at a time.”

Indeed, when we are spiritual, sometimes not knowing how to change the world, we prefer to withdraw from it... But this is not an ideal solution. If we want to change a society, we must also understand its rules, its functioning, how to change it from the inside while respecting the rhythm of each of the people who live there. It's the same thing in a family, if we want to resolve conflicts, leaving is not a solution, we should rather discuss, find solutions together to move forward by making each effort.

So if you want to change the world... Change yourself first... And you will see that your positive efforts will one day also inspire others. If you overcome problems or difficulties, it can one day become an example for the people around you. You will talk about it with more wisdom and experience, and through your experience you yourself will be able to help others one day if you wish.

You will even change the way you work, talk to your family, to your colleagues... This will create questions around you, people will ask you how you manage to have energy like that... And you will be able to tell them that you do work on yourself, in all humility and sincerity... and they will perhaps even one day tell you one of their dreams, because they will feel that you could provide them with answers... And that is when you understand that to change the world, everyone can make an effort...

5 – Deep down you know that there is no such thing as chance

Every time you look at the time, you see it says 11:11 or 7:07. It often happens that you think of a person and they call you a few moments later. Sometimes you feel connected to what is around you and you “feel” things before they happen. It’s a fact: you are developing one of your spiritual powers.

This is called clairsentience, the ability to sense things around you with a sensitivity that goes beyond our senses. And this is one of the first signs that a person is spiritual. Science is increasingly demonstrating that everything that exists in the Universe is connected, linked in a certain way, and that events which at first glance seem distant can have a common meaning, a metaphysical link...

We can compare the Universe to a large living computer, where everything is calculated, precisely organized so that certain events occur. And when we work on ourselves, when we meditate, when we study our dreams, we are able to “fit” into this framework, into this rhythm of Life, which always brings us exactly what we need.

“The Universe is a living computer where everything is organized.”

But do you think that way when you step in dog poop? Do you think like that when you miss your bus before an important meeting? Do you think it's no coincidence when you're outside without an umbrella and the pouring rain soaks you from head to toe?... Hm...

Everything has a reason to exist in life. Sometimes we don't understand why at the very moment, but each situation, each difficulty or each event has a deep meaning for our evolution. Even “small” events actually have an important place in our lives. The simple act of going to the toilet can be seen as a banal gesture, or a deep and dimensional purification... Breathing too, we all do it unconsciously, but when we take a good breath of oxygen consciously, what does it mean? How good that feels ! Feel free to breathe deeply if you read these lines, I’m sure it will do you good :)

So continue to observe life, feel it, see everything that happens to you from an angle of evolution, of understanding. And with symbolic language, even dog poop can take on a very deep and educational meaning… 🙂 Because when we understand the meaning of what happens to us, we no longer “endure” life or painful events; we integrate their educational sense, and we are never again lost or incomprehensible... We have deep guidance which allows us to find our way in moments of doubt...

So if sometimes you doubt your path... Ask for dreams... Ask for signs... And you will see that Heaven and the Universe will help you... Not always in the way you think, but in the best way to make you evolve... Because now, you are spiritual... You see life differently...

So, are you ready to change it?
