Exorcism in dreams: transformation or repression of memories

Exorcism... Is it real? What does that mean ? Is this a good thing? Or is it negative? Are we sure that the evil will not come back later? Or in another form? Is it possible to break free for good? How can we face the darkness in ourselves or in the world around us, without sinking ourselves?
L’Exorcisme en rêve : transformation ou refoulement des mémoires

What does the exorcism symbol represent?

Let's start with the definition of exorcism: “Religious or magical practice, comprising certain formulas and certain ritual gestures, intended to chase the demon from a place it occupies and, in particular, from the body of a possessed person; formula, prayer by which one exorcises. » In terms of etymology, this term comes from the Latin exorcismus “adjuration; act of casting out demons*.

The symbol of the demon is therefore closely linked to this term, to this practice, a demon belongs to the animal kingdom, symbolizing an extreme concentration of selfish and cunning needs. The action of exorcising is therefore at the symbolic level that of freeing ourselves from instinctive forces which push us in the physical or metaphysical world to satisfy our own needs, in survival mode, in relation to how our soul has been coded over the course of time. his past experiences and lives.

Is it possible to encounter the symbol of exorcism in a dream?

Absolutely, and it's actually quite common when a person works on their memoir with the aim of becoming a better person. The reason is that its journey is that of transforming negative memories of the past. Depending on the strength of these memories as well as the person's intention, the simple act of encountering their memories in a dream can sometimes take the form of an exorcism.

But is the practice of a successful exorcism in a dream synonymous with transformation or is the conclusion similar to killing, which symbolizes the repression of the memories encountered? In reality, everything will depend on the energy with which the exorcism was carried out in the dream.

For example, if the symbol, or the person, who performs the exorcism in a dream is immersed in negative emotions of anger, fear, then the exorcism itself will be tinged with this negativity. Therefore, the result is that of repression, even if the form of evil expelled disappears... And the evil is only repulsed and remains present in one form or another in the unconscious of the dreamer... However, if the dreamer notices, during the exorcism, that its energy was calm and that the form of evil disappeared in a ray of light, or quite simply from the place or the person possessed, then we can conclude that a certain percentage of the memories are transformed .

The processing stages

The dream is multidimensional and it is therefore essential to be able to take all the parameters into consideration and to discern the trend of the dream, to bring the right information back to consciousness. This is essential to reach new stages of evolution and understanding of our inner code which constantly influences our actions, our emotions, our thoughts and our intentions.

Another witness to transformation will be if the dreamer feels lighter following the exorcism, in a better mood, or even if he observes changes in his relationship with others and on the physical level. For example, his habit of eating too many sweets could be reduced or even disappear (it's perfectly okay to eat sweets from time to time; it's just too much that becomes negative). This represents signs of transformation of our negative memories which no longer influence our manifestation on a concrete level. On the other hand, if the dreamer feels weighed down, has negative habits for himself or with others, this dream of exorcism will have the role of indicating that a transformation of memories must be made. This indicates the activation of a program which can sometimes concretely affect one's life.

Regardless, experiencing an exorcism in a dream is a symbol of an alchemical power that the person possesses. Whether it has achieved the objective of transformation or has allowed for awareness, it is a potential that the person can continue to strengthen by continuing to manifest themselves in a qualitative way every day.

Don't be afraid to face our demons

We should not be afraid of our intense nightmares sometimes or even of facing our inner demons. A demon in a dream symbolizes a concentration of needs, selfishness or anger that can sometimes inhabit us as human beings.

The important thing is to say “stop” to these negative forces within ourselves which sometimes would like to sabotage everything beautiful that we have built.

“Demon” energy can sometimes manifest itself in verbal abuse of a person, in an intense rage of anger, or in underhanded manipulation to obtain something personal at the expense of others, etc.

But we must not be afraid of it... This is where the force of a positive mantra can help us to “exorcise” this negative in ourselves or others to completely transcend it and no longer let the negative dominate.

Following an intense dream of an exorcism, we advise you to meditate carefully on this dream, this experience and these memories that you carry in terms of%, to fully transform them.

We must go through this path, where life sometimes tests us... Where it confronts us with our demons in order to transform them and so that we voluntarily choose the light.

Remember that the demon in you, the negative that lives within you, destroys everything it touches and tarnishes all our possibilities over time... While the Angel in you will guide you towards the best of yourself... And will help you build an extraordinary life…

*Source : https://www.cnrtl.fr/definition/exorcisme
