[The dark in the mountains]
The dark in the mountains
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Presented by
Francis L. Kaya, CEO and Founder, Teacher
Expert in emotional intelligence and dream interpretation, internationally recognized author and speaker.
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Dream #1 : The dark in the mountains
Sharing:We have been to the mountains many times going in peak summer as well as peak winter. We all love it but the ambiance of the roads change as soon as it is dark...it can be both spooky and dangerous to be driving in the mountains in zig-zag roads in pitch dark as there are no street lights there. This dream has the essence of this feeling in me.
Dream:I have gone high up in the mountains in a cable car. There is a house there, my mama's house, I have gone to pack my things and plan to return by evening. When I go in the morning, the house is empty and I have gone alone.
My parents, mama, mami, all are there. There is a lot of work for me to do and then come backdown the same evening. As it starts to become evening and the sun starts to go down, I say I don't think I will be able to finish so fast, and it will be late to go back down by the road, so I may have to stay here tonight. Usually we don't stay here at night as it is not properly equipped for it. They all agree and make a program to invite some acquaintances (superficial) along with their families for dinner. I think to myself, what have I said...this is turning into a party. Instead of completing the work to wind up the house and pack our things, they want to have a dinner party and invite people so high up in the mountains in the dark.Your dreams, decoded.
Each lecture, every Monday, explores different aspects of dream interpretation, signs and symbols, providing a deep, modern understanding that can transform your life. Anonymity guaranteed.
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You can send your dream through this form .
Please note that we receive many dreams every day and the dreams analyzed are chosen at random in the interest of fairness.
Also, we will inform you of the date of study of your dream from the moment it is selected for the preparation of an event.
Thank you for your understanding.
The “Understanding Your Dreams” live conferences were presented alternately in French and English each week.
Please note that lectures in English and French may present different dreams.
You can use our search bar to find the different “Understanding your dreams”.
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