[Meet Henry and the boss on the way]
Meet Henry and the boss on the way
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Presented by
Francis L. Kaya, CEO and Founder, Teacher
Expert in emotional intelligence and dream interpretation, internationally recognized author and speaker.
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Dream #1: Rendezvous with Henry and the boss on the way
Dream: I am in an unknown hotel with my friend Frank, I also work for him in a small health and safety company. There are only two of us. It's like a business trip, but we share a double bed.
I'm standing by the door, I want to read something on the wall and at that moment I become AWARE/Lucid in my dream and I remember reading in a book about lucid dreaming that one of the signs that you are in a dream is that you are not able to read anything.
I try to focus my attention because the text is blurry at first, but after some effort I am able to read, which makes me very happy and confident. At the time I dream, I remember what was written, but after I wake up, I only remember the word Kenneth or Kentucky. I am happy because I can now create in a dream space. So I decide to go on a date with my favorite actor, Henry Cavill.
I try to use my imagination to create a perfect dress but for some reason I can't. A dress appears but I didn't create it myself.
Then I sit on the bed with Frank, a little frustrated that I'm still here instead of getting ready for my date. He tells me he hopes we'll talk. I ask him, "About what?" I see him getting more and more emotional and I don't like it because I feel like my privacy is being violated and not respected. I also don't understand why we share a bed in this room.
I then remember past situations with my ex-boyfriends where I wanted to talk to them, have a real conversation, and how I felt, so remembering that feeling of wanting to communicate and be heard, I decide to listen to what he has to say.
The next thing I remember is that I go into the other room to change my bra, then I see more of my bras on the floor. I think to myself that I can't stand his behavior anymore and I can't work for him if he behaves like this, expecting me to share the bed at the hotel, having emotional conversations, etc. when I am not his lover or mistress. I feel a little disgusted with him, almost paralyzed by his behavior. I thank you.
Your dreams, decoded.
Each lecture, every Monday, explores different aspects of dream interpretation, signs and symbols, providing a deep, modern understanding that can transform your life. Anonymity guaranteed.
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You can send your dream through this form .
Please note that we receive many dreams every day and the dreams analyzed are chosen at random in the interest of fairness.
Also, we will inform you of the date of study of your dream from the moment it is selected for the preparation of an event.
Thank you for your understanding.
The “Understanding Your Dreams” live conferences were presented alternately in French and English each week.
Please note that lectures in English and French may present different dreams.
You can use our search bar to find the different “Understanding your dreams”.
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