[Flow from my chest]
Flow from my chest
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Presented by
Francis L. Kaya, CEO and Founder, Teacher
Expert in emotional intelligence and dream interpretation, internationally recognized author and speaker.
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Dream #1: Flow from my chest
Dream: I am in my house (not my concrete living house) and in a city that I feel is in another country. There is a group of women sitting with my mother. I go for a walk with my friend Laura.
Share: Laura is my friend from school. I broke up with her 25 years ago. She always made me feel inferior, putting me down and making fun of me. It was because I was different from this group of female friends, that I didn't feel attracted to the way they socialized, had relationships, drank, smoked, went to clubs.
I always felt that I didn't belong with them and that I didn't have to join them because of social pressure. One day I decided to get away from this duality and leave her and a few other women in friendship.
In the dream, we walked a short distance from the house. She looks at me and says: "How come you have discharge from your chest?" I look at my clothes and see that my sweater is wet. I am wearing a white shirt and a thin soft pink sweater. I turn around to go home and examine myself.
I get home and take off my clothes. The discharge is coming from my left breast. I hold my breast in my right hand and squeeze it gently. I see a very thick white discharge coming out of the nipple. It was about half a centimeter in diameter. And after it came out, I saw a hole in my nipple about the same diameter.
The hole was so big that I could look inside my breast. I look into the hole. I see an empty cavity and there was light inside so I could look deep inside. It was like looking into a very deep empty space.
Then I see that I am visiting a hospital building. I walk through all the floors of the building observing all the activity that goes on and all the people, the doctors, the women. I see a woman getting ready for two mammograms. She has large breasts and is standing in front of the mammogram machine. I observe everything in the hospital as I walk around and I am internalized.
I go home. I look for a family friend in the group of women present to talk to her (she is not someone I know in my real life). I see her leave and I go with her. We walk to an open space nearby. I talk to her about the flow of my last breast. I tell her I am not afraid to die if it means I can die. I tell her not to tell my mother because she would worry about me.
We walk home. She says goodbye and goes home. I go home too. I am internalized, quiet and thinking about my next course of action, my next decision. I go home and look at my mom.
Your dreams, decoded.
Each lecture, every Monday, explores different aspects of dream interpretation, signs and symbols, providing a deep, modern understanding that can transform your life. Anonymity guaranteed.
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You can send your dream through this form .
Please note that we receive many dreams every day and the dreams analyzed are chosen at random in the interest of fairness.
Also, we will inform you of the date of study of your dream from the moment it is selected for the preparation of an event.
Thank you for your understanding.
The “Understanding Your Dreams” live conferences were presented alternately in French and English each week.
Please note that lectures in English and French may present different dreams.
You can use our search bar to find the different “Understanding your dreams”.
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