[The earthquake in Japan - 14.10.2024]
The earthquake in Japan - 14.10.2024
Broadcast on:
Presented by
Anthony Di Benedetto, General manager, Teacher
Expert in the interpretation of dreams, signs and symbols, he modernizes everything he touches. Visionary, therapist and international speaker, he leads several humanitarian projects.
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Submit your dream to be analyzed in an upcoming episode of Understanding Your Dreams.
Dream #1 : The earthquake in Japan
Dream : I'm in a hotel in Japan on vacation with my wife Lauren. Suddenly, I feel an earthquake, the ground shaking. I'm terrified and fall to the ground. I run back to the hotel room to find Lauren, but I don't see anyone in the hotel. The hotel looks normal, still bright and undamaged by the earthquake. The room we're in looks more like an apartment because it has a kitchen, but there are many toilets, like in a public place.
I open all the toilet doors to find Lauren. She's in one of the toilets having a bowel movement and crying at the same time, she's so scared of the earthquake she doesn't dare run to escape. I tell her: "Let's go, there's an earthquake" in a calm, loving way. She accepts and leaves with me.
When we leave the hotel, everything outside has collapsed and there's no one on the street. We don't have cell phones with us, we haven't made any effort to find them, and we haven't thought to contact our family.
Lauren cries and says she's so scared. I immediately think of getting some food to take with us. We find a store and buy water, bread and sausages. There's still no one around.
We find a food court with many people inside. They are also terrified and very scared. We get something to eat. I asked someone how to get out of town. He/she told me where to take the train. We take the train and feel better because we're going somewhere safe, but I'm not sure where the train is taking us.
*I felt very tired after the dream and it took me a long time to get up.
Dream #2 : Working under pressure
Dream : My friend's husband (difficulty to see what is wrong) needed to go to his company to work urgently. He didn't have any shoes, so he wore his wife's shoes.
I walked into a man's house, the room was very dark, so I left that room. There was a plum tree with lots of fruit, the man showed me there were a lot of delicious guavas in a bag, I bought 2kg of guavas. Another man helped me pay it.
Dream #2 : The smooth fall
Dream :
I find myself climbing a bamboo/rattan ladder to meet Danh, the director of the renovation company, to discuss the ongoing work.
But the ladder accidentally breaks, and I have to hold on tightly to the torn part as it slowly brings me down to the ground.
I’m pregnant, but luckily the grounding went smoothly and nothing serious happened.
Your dreams, decoded.
Each lecture, every Monday, explores different aspects of dream interpretation, signs and symbols, providing a deep, modern understanding that can transform your life. Anonymity guaranteed.
Following your purchase, you can access all of your digital content in your account, in the section:
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You can send your dream through this form .
Please note that we receive many dreams every day and the dreams analyzed are chosen at random in the interest of fairness.
Also, we will inform you of the date of study of your dream from the moment it is selected for the preparation of an event.
Thank you for your understanding.
The “Understanding Your Dreams” live conferences were presented alternately in French and English each week.
Please note that lectures in English and French may present different dreams.
You can use our search bar to find the different “Understanding your dreams”.
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