[Trying to end drug trafficking]
Trying to end drug trafficking
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Presented by
Eloi Delmonico, Executive Director, Teacher
School director turned professor and lecturer, Eloi excels in the analysis of dreams, signs and symbols, and is actively involved in many UCM projects.
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Dream #1: Trying to end drug trafficking
Question: what parts of myself do I reject? Dream : I am below ground in a room where you can go shopping, there is also a corner where there are children and children’s books. I am here to see where people exchange/get drugs. People are collecting at a counter. It feels like an underground illusion (the children) with corruption place. In another place, I close the door and lock it behind me to prevent the aggressive man after me from hurting me and to call the police for help. In the room with me are my mother (dispersion, disconnection) and sister (schizophrenic, ego problems, abuse of great intelligence and manipulation). I don’t have my phone with me so my sister lends me hers, it’s an ancient/very old cell phone big/bulky and black. I think I wanted to end the drug trafficking. I call the police and explain to them the situation that a man did something (don’t remember if I call about the drugs as well). I remember saying first the address of where we are and accidentally first said the name of the previous home my family lived at (difficulties with neighbors who would sometimes intrude,or be loud late at night, mental health difficulties) and then corrected with an attempt. Then the aggressive man comes in and starts to try and cut me with a long knife in my stomach area. I tell this to the police as well, but the police don’t really seem to be alarmed, or on their way. Then I'm in the other room next to the one I had locked, I feel unsure and look under the piece of wood at the entrance to the room to see if the room changes. The locked room is open and an old man looks at me strangely, he is coming up from the stairs. I think he is family, but I feel anxious and I run down the steps to escape the house. This place was in the past family home, my own room and the locked one belonged to my sister. I'm outside holding a syringe with a yellow liquid and inject into a person who never had the drug a bit too much, and then think maybe it is a bit too much for a person who never had any. Then I see the nurse who had betrayed me/something related to me and injected her with the rest of the drug in hopes she won’t go after me if I do that (I think she has had drugs before so her body was used to it in %). A teenage female is walking on top of a train quickly, she is someone who has had the drug and therefore walks faster than the average person, so she tries to walk slower so people won’t know she has taken the drug. But I think it doesn't really work as you can still see that she walks strangely.
Your dreams, decoded.
Each lecture, every Monday, explores different aspects of dream interpretation, signs and symbols, providing a deep, modern understanding that can transform your life. Anonymity guaranteed.
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Please note that we receive many dreams every day and the dreams analyzed are chosen at random in the interest of fairness.
Also, we will inform you of the date of study of your dream from the moment it is selected for the preparation of an event.
Thank you for your understanding.
The “Understanding Your Dreams” live conferences were presented alternately in French and English each week.
Please note that lectures in English and French may present different dreams.
You can use our search bar to find the different “Understanding your dreams”.
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