Symbols are everywhere, even when you don't notice them

Equations of consciousness

States of consciousness and fields of consciousness constitute the vocabulary – even the alphabet – of the universe, and they present themselves to us in the form of symbols, both in concrete reality and in our dreams.

Behind a flower, for example, there is a state of consciousness or a particular state of mind. When we say to someone: “You are like a flower”, in reality, we mean: “A beautiful sweetness, a beautiful feeling emanates from you”, because the person gives off such a scent.

Symbols are part of our everyday lives

A simple table, for example, is much more than a table. It is a symbol of sharing because we use it to share a meal, chat with others, exchange ideas at work, etc.

If it is clean, beautiful, solid, bright, etc., it represents positive aspects of sharing, while if it is cluttered, dirty, damaged, etc., it reflects negative aspects related to sharing.

Everything is energy

We are accustomed to this language with our poets and singers: they express themselves using symbols which represent states of mind.

The idea is the same with the symbols that appear in dreams.

Research in quantum physics has demonstrated that when we dive into the infinitely small, when we go beyond the particles that constitute matter, there is only energy – there is no more matter.

Matter is therefore an illusion, in the sense that what we believe to be an object, an animal or a person, in reality, is a set of vibrations.

Thus, an object is more than an object. Beyond its physical reality, it also has a metaphysical, symbolic reality.

Universal or personal symbols

There is a whole gradation in the universality of symbols; some are more universal than others. For example, the elements fire, air, water and earth, and the kingdoms – mineral, plant, animal, etc. – have a truly universal character.

They alone encompass everything that exists on Earth. The same goes for colors, to which we can refer any part of our visual field.

These symbols have the same meaning for everyone, and this is part of their universality. Other symbols have a meaning that varies according to personal, family or ethnic experience or culture.