Thomas grew up in the countryside of southern France, with doctor parents and a mother who was very open to spirituality. With his 2 sisters and his brother, their childhood was punctuated by the seasons. Thomas was a fairly introverted child but at the same time very intense. His inner world has always been very active, but long misunderstood and repressed. Sport and nature have been a refuge and a learning ground for many years...

During his studies in 2001, life guided him to the mountains, where he was able to obtain, among other things, a mountain guide diploma. After several years of experience in this field, as well as building a family and renovating mountain accommodation, everything seemed perfect in his life: a beautiful family, a welcoming hotel, a simple social and sporting activity. , many friends, appreciated involvement within the town hall…

But it was an external facet of his personality, and the interior was very offbeat with intense and very mixed feelings. So to appear in control and hide all that, he cut himself off from his emotions and fled into action, he became airy and haughty sometimes, also overconfident to compensate for the deep uncertainty of his inner life... He had always sought to understand the meaning of life by observing the universe, and he found it by turning to his inner universe.

In 2015, he changed his life when he separated from the mother of his children. It was an extreme period with a lot of intensity in its spirituality. he found himself in monastic memories and of great precariousness with deep gaps... Then he gradually rebuilt himself by reprogramming the memories and values in his soul thanks to the DSSI training, and by working concretely in the construction of houses to continue to develop the concrete aspects of life at the same time as the more metaphysical aspects of one's inner world.

It was at this time that he met his wife, who supported him and listened lovingly to his profound changes. She welcomed her children like a second mother, and today she accompanies them on the spiritual journey of life thanks to symbolic language and dreams. His beautiful Spanish energy and his deep intuitions make them evolve together every day to marry spirit and matter.

He is happy now to be able to understand and evolve daily thanks to this Universal Knowledge of symbols. With his experience of nature and symbolic language, he likes to share his feelings and the connections to different states of consciousness that dreams and the environment provide us.

Thomas now leads UCM mountain hikes in the French Alps, putting his expertise as a mountain guide to the service of a deep understanding of our inner nature...