For as long as he can remember, Thibaut's experience has always been tinged with questions about the meaning of life... of his life. During his childhood, these questions were amplified by his hypersensitivity which led him to perceive so many things around him and within himself... Unable to understand these realities which constantly passed before him, he tried as best as possible to attract the attention of his parents in different ways, often getting agitated, acting like a “clown” and being turbulent, believing that they would finally be able to enlighten him… help him…

Thibaut was born into a family in which abundance was present on many levels, but material was too often in first place. This made him experience profound shifts because access to multidimensions was constant in his mind and matter for him was only one of the realities that he perceived... he felt misunderstood... wandering and as if "empty" at first glance. interior. It was during his teenage years that he experienced one of the most difficult periods of his life. Everything was getting louder and he wanted so much to understand what he was feeling. His sensitivity, his shortcomings, his needs for recognition and his discrepancies led him to try to find a way out: extreme sports. Even if through this activity he was able to temporarily “calm his senses”, his soul still continued to seek answers to his discomfort.

The orientation towards the profession of osteopath was decisive in his career... Through conscious touch and the in-depth study of the mechanics of the body, his soul sought to understand this sensitivity which had inhabited him since childhood. During his studies and during his office practice, he became aware of the importance of having a fair, qualitative intention during care, where the ego is no longer present... However, before arriving at this channel of great awareness and search for purity in his therapeutic art, he had to first learn to know himself better, to clean himself well, to purify himself. This took him very deeply into an initiatory journey via the practice of Angelica yoga and the Angelica mantra.

Now, thanks to the in-depth study of his dreams and symbolic language and the DSSI Training which propelled him into another stage of evolution on all levels, he was able to gradually reprogram his consciousness and integrate into the all of its cells the importance of the development of qualities and virtues and symbolic language. Through this inner application of metaphysical Knowledge, he finally understood what he had always been experiencing inside.

The recoding of his own consciousness and its continual deepening allows him today to be able to appreciate others even more deeply and to help the students of the DSSI Training, as an assistant professor, to rediscover these same treasures which today gave meaning to his life. With his wife Claire, both of them are now growing up at the heart of knowledge and the multi-dimensions of life. They are happy to inspire through their participation with Kaya and Christiane Muller in the development of the UCM Teaching and Research Center through numerous projects including the Angelica yoga videos.