Sylvie was born in France into a very modest family, where meeting daily needs was essential, not really leaving room for the intelligence of dreams and spirituality. Very quickly, however, she asks herself many existential questions, such as finding the meaning of this life on Earth.

The eldest of a large family, rather reserved or even withdrawn, she quickly developed a helping dimension with great values ​​of work, justice, tolerance, respect, transmitted by her parents.

Arrival very early in professional life, with its simplicity, the taste and curiosity to learn, to understand, the love of a job well done and its values ​​will lead it to structure itself through different financial and management positions , within a multinational in the energy sector. During her years, she developed her self-confidence and her leadership energy by naturally evolving towards positions of responsibility. She will hold positions as Administrative and Financial Director, project manager in optimization and restructuring functions, then head of the economic studies department. A professional journey rich in learning and sharing which will lead her over time to her next stage.

Dreams, signs that she did not know how to interpret at that time but some of which she felt had a determining role for her life path, multiplied. Her dreams guide her towards a new destiny: a mission as a therapist, of self-knowledge through others, a path that calls her deep within herself and in which she learns to deepen detachment, and a another form of trust.

Her career change is for her a very big, well-prepared step which will later lead her to train in helping relationships, to continue work on personal development, introspection, inner work on her own wounds to become a therapist. -energy specialist in 2014.

In 2015 a web conference by Professor Kaya on dreams and finally the possibility of understanding them, decoding them to make them a real tool for personal evolution, led her towards new horizons in her knowledge. The UCM Research and Teaching Center thus presents her with the path she has been seeking for so long: a spiritual teaching that holds water, which allows her to take another look at her life as a woman, a wife, a mother. , friend, therapist, etc. and also another look at relationships with others, at life, death, illness, disability...

After more than 5 years of study at the UCM Research and Teaching Center, she became an DSSI certified therapist, she also joined the council of expertise and has just recently been appointed Assistant Professor at UCM.

Dreams are for her now, a precious gift from Heaven, a real way of life, of multidimensional understanding. Through this more enlightened perspective, a magnificent opportunity emerges to continue to learn, to improve and to support others in all their potential, in their capacity to continue to evolve through their own spiritual autonomy.

Her life goal from now on is simply to become a better person to better be of service, with an open heart, with kindness, authenticity and humility.

This is how Sylvie writes a new page every day of her magnificent destiny of helping others discover their spiritual and unique potential, which lies dormant in the hearts of each and every one of us.