Sophie is a childcare nurse by training. Following a profound journey as well as several years of study in symbolism, she subsequently became a UCM professor & lecturer. Self-knowledge has fascinated her since she was very young... Now a therapist, she has become a true caring mother to everyone she meets.

Sophie was born in the south of France, into a family that was both wealthy and simple. She lived her childhood, accompanied by her two older brothers and her parents, without any particular difficulties until the age of 7, when existential questions began to emerge in her consciousness. She is fascinated by the observation of her friends who change their characters, their states of consciousness depending on what happens to them and begins to study herself, she notes her first dreams at the age of 9, without yet having the key to interpret them.

Until adolescence, she encounters all kinds of situations which reinforce her questions about life, make her experience fears, anxieties that she does not understand and for which she constantly seeks the cause, accompanied mainly by her mother, who wishes to find solutions to her daughter's unhappiness. It was when she was 15, during a meeting organized by her mother with a therapist, that Sophie discovered the soul and the multidimensional potential that inhabits her. She discovered a week later, in an esoteric library, the book on Traditional Angeology from the UCM Research Center which would change her life and allow her to finally find, after many years of research and inner torment, answers to her questions. misunderstandings... She promises herself, from this day on, to help others understand their problems and their life experiences, as well as to bring this very precious Knowledge to those who wish it, this very Knowledge which saved her...

She undertook nursing studies allowing her to deeply integrate the sense of service, dedication and listening to others, while perfecting her sense of symbolism, her interpretation of dreams and signs. At the same time, she is fully committed to helping the non-profit organization UCM through the proofreading of works, the organization of conferences and especially the writing of the Dictionary of Dreams-Signs and Symbols. His years of interpretation and experience in this field allow him to fully invest in DSSI Training and to help the teaching team very early on in revising the students' work and dreams.

It was 8 years ago, during a volunteer stay at the UCM Canada offices, that Sophie met for the first time the man who would become her husband. They are now both walking hand in hand, helping their 3 young children grow in the Knowledge of symbols, of plus and minus, the study of their dreams and wish with all their heart to help all those who wish, a better understanding of Life and their dreams...