Manager by training and today Executive Director of UCM India, Santhosh works with heart & devotion. He is also a professor, now based at the UCM Teaching and Research Center in India.

Santhosh was born and raised in Mangalore, a beautiful city near the sea in India. He feels blessed to have had a wonderful childhood surrounded by love and affection from his family. He loved school and completed his studies in engineering and administration. He was deeply inspired by his paternal grandfather, who was a man with values, integrity and selflessness. What connected Santhosh to his grandfather was also his devotion to his family and his nobility in action.

Santhosh comes from a traditional Indian family with the beliefs, customs and religious practices typical of that country. But he always wanted to understand their true meaning as an aspect of human evolution. Growing up in his family, he was exposed to all the beautiful culture and festivals of India. Following the expectations of those close to him, he chose the path of material abundance only, which of course resonated with him, since he had to learn the importance of matter in his journey of spiritual evolution. Thus, spirituality was not a part of his life until his marriage to Haritha. This marked a new beginning; a fairly profound departure since it brought him the essence of spirituality in this life, which he had lacked until then.

He worked for 14 years for different companies, managing sales and marketing, before deciding to begin his inner journey with UCM, which would become his future life mission with Haritha. It was a surprising change for his family and friends, but it was probably a long time in the making. The transition was smooth and seemed completely in sync with Up.

For Santhosh, the spiritual journey began with the teaching of UCM and the 72 Angels, as well as the Interpretation of Dreams, Signs & Symbols. He feels blessed to have discovered, or should we say re-discovered, this knowledge in his life once again, which helped him understand the real meaning of life and the importance of marrying the mind and the material. It was probably a continuation of this Angelic Knowledge from past lives. He met Kaya & Christiane at an international conference in Bangalore in 2013 and since then they have been his spiritual teachers and guides helping him learn how to achieve spiritual autonomy in his journey of self-realization.

Santhosh, with his wife Haritha, now lives in Goa and coordinates the UCM Foundation of India to help spread this knowledge that enables true spiritual empowerment. He enjoys being an eternal student under the guidance of Kaya & Christiane, who have helped him since 2014 to become a better person, which also helped him connect with his important life mission with UCM to serve humanity with the light of wisdom.