Régine Thomas is Director of UCM Europe, professor & therapist. She is a UCM pillar for the teaching of dreams, signs and symbols, in Europe, Canada as well as in Hispanic countries. An art therapist and trained guitarist, Régine is an extraordinary speaker and guide and everyone is touched by the energy she emanates.

Born in Grenoble, Régine grew up in the middle of the mountains in the South East of France. While she was a child, the interior dimension was already part of her daily life. Her faith and her love of spirituality are a great strength for her and help her during difficult times... Her deep desire to improve herself and understand the meaning of existence naturally leads her to meditate every day. The inspiring and enriching exchanges that she can have on this subject, she has with her young aunt who radiates the joy of living and demonstrates beautiful qualities such as kindness, patience, listening to others, devotion and love... She is a great example for Régine and this aunt (yoga teacher) remains a source of spiritual inspiration for her.

Since the age of 7, music has been part of his life. She worked so much that very early on she became a prodigy classical guitar student and later performed in concert.

As an adult, she continues her quest and her inner search. Her desire to help and serve led her to volunteer for charitable works such as Restos du Cœur... Then she trained, among other things, in relational communication and psychology. Later, she graduated from IRFAT (Institute for Research and Training in Art-Therapy) in Avignon… She then definitively stopped performing concerts to devote herself solely to service and helping relationships.

Alongside this journey, working with the body has always been part of his life. It is mainly yoga, dance and ten years of martial arts practice that lead him to combine work with the body and music in his profession as an art therapist. For several years, she received individual sessions, gave workshops and courses for adults and children. She also organizes the choreography of innovative shows where she shows another side of things: we can see dance, music and poetry associated with karate...

She says that one of her most beautiful experiences, which brings her so much, is that of being the mother of a wonderful young man, Anthony Di Benedetto.

It was by following her signs and her dreams that she met Patrick who would become her husband... Shortly after, it was together that they discovered Traditional Angeology, the work and research of UCM on the emotional intelligence (EQ), Angelica Yoga and the symbolic language of dreams and signs.

Today, at the Angelica Clinic or during her travels, Régine welcomes with her great qualities of listening and empathy, all those who are looking for answers to their questions and who are on a spiritual path.

It is as a teacher that she also supports numerous students as part of the DSSI Training (Interpretation of Dreams, Signs and Symbols).

Patrick & Régine Thomas

They experience this discovery of Traditional Angeology as a true revelation... The pieces of the puzzle come together, their questions find answers... It becomes obvious to them and they begin to work intensely and receive extraordinary dreams and teachings through understanding emotional intelligence, signs and symbolic language. This transformation work brings great revelations and beautiful changes to their lives. Their desire to contribute to making this wonderful Teaching known leads them to commit themselves with all their hearts as full-time volunteers at the UCM…

Patrick and Régine Thomas are authors, professors and lecturers at the UCM Research and Teaching Center. They teach as part of the DSSI Training (Interpretation of Dreams, Signs and Symbols). Patrick & Régine are at the heart of the publishing house's most important projects, in terms of organization, management and creation, and they assist Kaya and Christiane Muller (the founders of the UCM) during the Angelica seminars organized in Europe and Canada.

They also receive individual sessions at the UCM Angelica Clinic in Europe and Canada.