Olivier is a real citizen of the world. He was born in Lille (France) and shares his life with his wife, who is Belgian and Flemish and whom he met in the United States during a study trip. They are now based in Germany with their two children, a boy born in China and a girl born in Germany. Initially trained as a general engineer, Olivier had the opportunity to experience numerous functions in commercial activities as well as working in several countries. With a very international profile and mastering several languages, he greatly appreciates the richness that each country brings to international relations.

At a very young age, Olivier was disturbed by his dreams, leading to him constantly asking himself the existential question: “Who exactly are we? ". He cried all the tears in his body as he touched a deep feeling of emptiness within him, saying to himself: “But we are nothing on the scale of the Universe…”. As a teenager, he became passionate about psychoanalysis in order to understand more deeply what he felt inside; the symbolism of dreams was also part of his research without really finding what he was looking for. It is life, which ultimately guides him to encounter the teaching of the UCM Research and Teaching Center and it was a revelation for him. He finally found the answer to his childhood question and the deep meaning of existence on Earth.

A little before encountering the teaching of the UCM, his steps led him towards learning an internal Chinese art, medical qi gong. This practice responded to a deep desire to develop one's energy autonomy and support one's health on all levels. A daily practice for more than 7 years allows him to access an inner balance very complementary to work on oneself through the interpretation of dreams, signs and symbols. These two pillars in addition to his family make Olivier a stable and thoughtful person, who is keen to support others in their personal and spiritual journey.

Through the DSSI Training (Interpretation.Dreams.Signs.Symbols) which he has been following assiduously for more than 6 years, Olivier accesses another plane of his consciousness and actively works on the reprogramming of his memories. Understanding his personal and family karmas allows him to strengthen the values of compassion and love that have been deeply present in him since his earliest childhood. He now has at his disposal the multidimensional tools to create real changes within himself, transforming his personality and his personal and family material dimension. Without this training, which became his mission, Olivier would have gone around in circles, looking for his real life plan. Today, he has become a confident being at all levels, with a beautiful spiritual fervor, which he is keen to share by helping his neighbor.