Martine was born in Switzerland, in a simple family, living the values ​​of the earth, work and respect for the cycles of nature. She remembers her childhood with her parents on the farm, the feelings of freedom, spontaneity and friendships. But even at a young age, deep existential questions are inside her. During her adolescence, she experienced deep anxiety and remembered a significant event when she was 18 years old, and she was unable to cross the Bessières Bridge in Lausanne (Switzerland) to return to her school. She had to call her mother to come pick her up (this bridge is best known because of numerous suicides). Looking back, she understands that it was a first great opening of consciousness and that it touched her inner emptiness.

At 25, she began a total reprogramming of her being. It was during this period that she began a personal journey with different therapies, to better understand herself, to better understand the discrepancies she was experiencing in her relationship at that time. She confides by saying: “At that time, I was thirsty for answers, to understand and I read many books on personal development, participated in different kinesiology training courses, coaching, etc., until the day a friend, on a journey like me, lent me the book on Traditional Angeology from the UCM Research Center which changed my life and allowed me to finally find, after many years of research and inner torment, answers to my misunderstandings and inner discomfort. » This first book and the many others on dreams, signs and symbols allowed her to meet herself. The discovery of one's sensitivity, of the multidimensions of one's existence. It is, as she says so well, “the most beautiful gift that I have received from life for the evolution of my soul and to be able in turn to help others to understand themselves, to study the mechanisms of consciousness and openings of the unconscious. »

Martine, who has a background in Finance and Administration, worked in Human Resources in multinational companies for more than 15 years. This stage allowed him to help, advise and explore the depth of human behavior. This work and his multiple responsibilities allowed him to work with all nationalities in the world, in different countries in Eastern Europe and Africa. This experience and period of her life is a profound enrichment because Martine has always loved discovering other cultures and she remembers that in her childhood, one of her dreams was to have several passports, as is the case today. for her being Swiss and Canadian.

In 2008, after fifteen years of work and active involvement in an American multinational, she calmly decided to end her career to devote herself to humanitarian projects that are particularly close to her heart. It is at this moment that his Destiny will completely change. She will never forget the discussion with Kaya and Christiane in June 2008 where she suggested they come and help UCM in Canada.

Since then she has dedicated her life and her multidimensional skills to the organization and expansion of various UCM projects around the world.

“Before encountering the Teaching of Traditional Angelology, words like spiritual, Angels, etc. didn't interest me at all, even though they scared me in some way. But little by little I discovered all the logic and greatness of this Teaching which is very concrete and which is based on fundamental codes of life. For me Traditional Angeology, the understanding of dreams, signs, symbols, these are a way of life; direct access to spiritual autonomy. I had recurring dreams throughout my childhood, I couldn't tell anyone about them, because no one around me talked about dreams and it feels good now to have this knowledge in me, to be able to help others, to analyze their dreams, their signs, their inner guidance with the knowledge that I acquired with the DSSI Training (Dreams-Signs-Symbols Interpretation) from the UCM Research and Teaching Center. It's so wonderful to live life the way I live it now. I can say now that I experience an expansion of my consciousness with each understanding, it is truly magical and liberating. »

Martine now lives her life following guidance through her dreams and everyday signs with the sole objective of becoming a better person, of learning to materialize Divinely on Earth.

“This Teaching is for me learning about the marriage of Spirit and Matter, the return to the Source of who we really are…”

Her journey, her life, her experience and her UCM training make her an ambassador and a real source of inspiration for her friends and for all those who know her. In helping relationships and in her mission at the Angelica Clinic, Martine advises with all her heart and helps us to better understand that dreams, signs and symbols are there to guide, to help us reprogram our lives.