Haritha Nayak grew up in a town in the Himalayas in India. Born into a family where spirituality was important, since childhood she questioned the meaning of life. Her parents being lawyers, when she was little and her weight was very light, her father used to swing her cradle by placing his Lois books on one side. As a child, she spent most of her time with her grandfather, who told her the stories of the ancient Sages, the Vedas and the Yogis and helped her chant Mantras. She would often sit in silence and meditate focusing on her 3rd eye, the 6th chakra, having faith that this was the communion point for connecting to the Divine. She regularly saw people near her praying to God, asking Him for their desires to come true, but she was not comfortable with that. So one day she asked her grandmother, a very spiritual person, what was wisest to ask God. She replied: “We have been given everything we need to learn to become a better person, so we should only ask God to give us strength and patience if we have to go through difficulties to learn something.” This sentence had a very big effect on her. Growing up, she was interested in Buddha. One day in class, she was introduced to the teachings of the Buddha and upon hearing the Mantra “Buddham Sharanam Gacchami…”, it acted as a positive trigger in her and she cried tears of Joy.

Teaching came naturally to her. At just 8 years old, she would teach children in her community about multiple subjects. Being an excellent student herself with an interest in computer science, she did her university degree in Computer Applications. In her first year of graduation, she was already teaching computer language and programming at an institute in her hometown to students doing their master's degrees in computer science and engineering. She then completed a master's degree in administration at one of the most prestigious women's universities in India, Banasthali Vidhyapith. She moved to Bangalore in 2007 for her job with Bennett, Coleman & Company in their internet division. Since the universe had planned synchronicity, on the first day she started her job, she met Santhosh, her soul twin and now her husband, knowing that she would live her whole life with him and they would learn together. After a seven-year career with different companies in India, such as Times of India, Oracle and Lenovo, she began to receive signs to take the next step of learning. Since childhood, she received powerful dreams, knowing that they carried a message, but at that time, she could not understand them. His soul was continually searching for the right guidance to come into his life.

Finally in 2012, after experiencing a rewarding career, Haritha decided to explore the true meaning of her life and went to Rishikesh, to an Ashram on the banks of the Ganges. She stayed there for a while but her soul demanded more and sought absolute truth. In this quest, she went on a silent retreat within the Buddhist tradition and for the first time felt peace within herself. Always feeling like something was missing, she learned past life regression techniques and became a therapist in 2013. She still asked the universe every day to bring her the true knowledge intended for her soul's evolution. And finally, she received the answer to her prayers in October 2013 when she met Kaya and Christiane at Pyramid Valley, Bangalore. Looking at them, she felt that she had known them before; it wasn't the first time she'd met them. The purity and depth of Kaya and Christiane's energy made her feel as if she had found what she had been looking for for so many lifetimes. While speaking with her, Christiane suggested that she invoke the Angel 65 Damabiah to understand the real meaning of the nightmares she regularly received as a child. This was her first experience with this work and even though she chanted the mantra of the Angel Damabiah for only 5 minutes before falling asleep, the recurring nightmare ended for the first time and never returned again! Before attending the workshop the following day, she had already read everything on the UCM website and knew her birth Angels. The workshop aroused even more curiosity in her, however, she knew with joy that it was the path that would answer all her questions and accompany her on a deep inner journey. It was the start of a new evolution for her. Christiane very kindly offered Haritha to help her progress in her journey of working with the 72 Angels and Dreams. She began working with the Angelic calendar to invoke Angels and writing down her dreams. Christiane continued to help her understand the inner programs she needed to work on to become a better soul. This work on oneself with the Angels, which leads to discovering memories buried very deep in the subconscious and helps to clean them, is the deepest that she has found. She learns and experiences her inner world every day and is on the path to inner transformations via DSSI Training (Dreams-Signs-Symbols Interpretation) under the guidance of UCM Professors.

Haritha, under the guidance of Kaya & Christiane Muller, is now sharing the knowledge of Angelica Yana in India and Asia. She receives support and is inspired by her husband Santhosh in this Angelic Mission, who also follows the DSSI program. Together, they now work devotedly to bring the teaching of UCM to people who have waited for profound Knowledge, to understand and connect to the source code of their soul and one day Become Angels!