Born in Switzerland to parents dedicated to building their family with values ​​and material security, Florence is a joyful, smiling, independent child who asks questions and loves to learn. As long as she can remember, she has always dreamed. Raised in the Catholic tradition, the phrase “you reap what you sow” resonates in her conscience. She always asked herself “why are we on Earth and what do we have to do there”. Her sensitivity and the difficulty in managing her emotions mean that she develops chameleon behavior to meet the expectations of others in order to be accepted and loved.

In her adolescence, she experiences great emotional upheavals, depressive inner states and seeks answers in the world of action. She enjoys learning languages, is interested in other cultures, travels to Europe and turns to business studies. There she discovered an interest in figures and accounting and undertook employment studies. At the end of her studies, although she had a position to which she aspired, she felt voids, had insomnia, questioned herself and searched for meaning in her life. She no longer has a choice and learns to breathe, listen to her body, meditate. This questioning led him to commit to a humanitarian mission in Africa for a year. Before her departure, she meets the man she marries upon her return. Two children were born from this union.

A few years later, she separated, the questions were intense, the children were often sick. She undertook training in naturopathy in order to understand and treat the disease at its root. A student tells her about a conference on traditional Angeology, she discovers the blue books, teaching, symbolic language, spiritual autonomy and finally finds answers to her questions. She has a great thirst for learning and begins a real initiatory journey by analyzing her dreams, doing recitation practice with angelic energies and the exercises of Angelica Yoga. She attends conferences, internships and gets involved as a volunteer in various projects of the non-profit association UCM, then as secretary-treasurer in Switzerland for a few years. In 2010, guided by dreams and signs, she met her future husband in a UCM summer internship which led her to form the spiritual couple and family to which she had always aspired.

She then begins a new stage of life by walking hand in hand with her husband to build a blended family with her two children and their daughter. Together, they are committed to growing their family by combining spirit and matter through the knowledge of symbols, plus and minus, the study of dreams by sharing their philosophy as the true meaning of life on Earth. is to become a better person…

They enrolled in the DSSI training in 2013. This training is a springboard for development for one's soul through its ability to deepen symbolic language and self-knowledge; she discovered a new capacity for listening and the helping relationship in her work as an assistant in revising dream diaries and providing therapist-patient support as part of her degree thesis work. She is touched by altruism and the fact that by helping others, she helps herself…

While continuing her inner work which is infinite, Florence is keen to share her knowledge and experience, to give back what she has received, in order to simply help those who wish to develop true autonomy. spiritual with the understanding of symbolic language…