Born in Belgium to Vietnamese parents, Ân remembers that since his early childhood, he was always in search of why... why humans behave in such ways, why humans have to die, why evil exists... he was like that, without knowledge, in search of initiatory knowledge, the search for causes and links of consequences.

At the age of 18, his spiritual journey began and his quest for existential meaning led him towards advanced research. He discovered, among other things, during his studies of physiotherapy and biology, that it was impossible for the human body to be the result of chance. Amazed by so much harmony, he realizes more and more that if we change a decimal place, a single constant of the Universe among the dozens of constants, like the speed of light for example, that the Universe as we know it would be disrupted and completely different. He thus discovers the mysteries of the wisdom of the workings of science, and that everything is orchestrated in such a precise way in the Universe that chance cannot exist.

Going from revelation to revelation, Ân is inspired by the meeting of a spiritual couple who teach him energy healing and introduce him to The Book of Angels. This book is the turning point in his life... it answers all the questions he asked himself for so many years without finding answers that satisfied him. This couple of friends invited him to meet Professor Kaya during a European tour. This meeting became a big step in his life because he immediately enrolled in the DSSI Training which from the start multiplied his openings of consciousness and metaphysical knowledge of human consciousness. His spiritual journey guided him during this same period towards physiotherapy studies.

After 5 years of intense inner work with DSSI Training, Ân improves his life at all levels, and builds a healthy and balanced life via the guidance he receives with his dreams, and through the signs of his daily life. The DSSI Training, which today is an integral part of his life, helps him at every moment to understand even better the secrets of the human body, to deeply understand patients during physiotherapy sessions and has even treated more and more patients thanks to Knowledge of the multidimensions of the body and mind.

In 2019, an important stage in his destiny, guided by deep dreams, signs and affinities worthy of the most magnificent legends, Ân meets love and his life companion, Linh, at the heart of his origins during a travels to Vietnam, and subsequently decides to move from Switzerland to Vietnam to find her. It is now with her, hand in hand, that they work together at UCM Vietnam and help other people in search of meaning like them every day so that they too can have the opportunity to follow this initiatory path. , this life-changing Teaching…