Alexis embodies the deep values ​​of knowledge and understanding of oneself through her expertise on dreams, signs and symbols. Born in Brussels, Belgium, at a very young age, he questioned the true meaning of life. Today a UCM professor, lecturer and therapist, he inspires a modern spiritual life.

At a very young age, Alexis already questioned the true meaning of life, and received numerous initiatory dreams throughout his childhood. The natural empathy and open-mindedness passed on to him by his parents gave him the desire to help others, without having really received any spiritual education. During his adolescence, he traveled several times to Quebec, notably to Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts, long before discovering UCM and knowing that this is where the head office of the non-profit organization Univers is. /Cité Mikaël (UCM).

Growing up, Alexis receives dreams that lead him to perceive the reality of the multidimensions of his consciousness, they are so real. He then read numerous spiritual and esoteric works, in search of answers to his deep feelings. At the same time, he is very interested in music and cinema, which are for him powerful means of symbolic expression to express feelings and emotions beyond words.

He then encountered the teaching of UCM at the age of 20 during a conference by Professor Francis L. Kaya in Brussels, which resonated with him as a direct response to his deep questions. Symbolic Language immediately appears logical and understandable to him, like a memory that emerges from his memory...

He will study Information and Communication at the Free University of Brussels until 2014 and at the same time work for 4 years as Communication Manager and Editor-in-Chief in a non-profit association, which will help him develop further his organizational and management qualities. During this experience, he will meet many people from very different social and cultural backgrounds, which will allow him to discover the multiple facets of human consciousness.

The following year, in 2015, it was while traveling around the world that he decided to begin the DSSI Training (Interpretation of Dreams-Signs-Symbols). It is a revelation for him, the beginning of a new stage of life where he will meet Emeline, his future partner, with whom he today shares this deep and multidimensional knowledge on a daily basis. They are now investing wholeheartedly together in the UCM research center as well as in the DSSI Training, embodying the deep values of knowledge and understanding of oneself within their couple.

Today, he is at the heart of numerous projects associated with the Univers/Cité Mikaël Teaching and Research Center (UCM), notably helping with the revision of several books and translations and the coordination of numerous UCM projects. He is also a Professor at DSSI Training and ensures the correction of the dream journals of students from several countries.