The Physical Angel
The Physical Angel represents the Qualities that we are invited to develop in terms of concrete actions. It embodies the broad outlines of our life program and concrete situations.
An Angel represents Divine Qualities, Virtues and Powers in their pure state.
In Kabbalah, we speak of 72 Angels, the 72 facets of the Creator. When, through intense spiritual work, we manage to find them again, to reintegrate these Essences, we reach states of great consciousness, happiness and beatitude.
It’s a long journey, but we are here on Earth for that reason alone.
The Angel is pure Energy, but human beings who do not understand Angelic Energies well tend to misuse them.
Thus it distorts the essential aspects of the Creator, resulting in human weaknesses and faults. The fact remains that every human being has the Angelic Essences inside themselves, whether they know the Names of the Angels or not.
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The Angel with Wings is a metaphor that represents our ability to dream and travel in the multidimensions of our consciousness.
The basic work is simple, just repeat the name of an Angel like a mantra for at least five days; we thus focus on the development of the qualities, virtues and divine powers that it represents, on this ray or this specific facet of our consciousness.
We then have the possibility of gradually becoming the Angel, of integrating new knowledge and new potentials as well as of modifying our memories and who we are.
Depending on the content of the memories located on the affected ray, the Angel manifests itself in a pure way, or else, brings out our human distortions.
This is extraordinary, we encounter in our dreams and in everyday situations exactly the characteristics of the invoked Angel.
By paying attention to our dreams and the situations we experience, we can recognize their content in the lists of human qualities and distortions associated with Angels.
This allows us to consciously participate in the work that the Angel is carrying out and to have a very precise geographical map of our consciousness and our travels via our dreams in the multidimensions of the Parallel Worlds.
Note: It is important to interpret qualities and distortions first and foremost in terms of consciousness, in other words not to take them literally.
When your mind is searching for meaning in its existence, in its loves and in its work, when you see beyond images and hear beyond words, when you feel on edge and your moods have become uncontrollable, when your body hurts and you don't know why, when you ask yourself: "Why live, if I have to die?" » When, faced with social inequalities and the miseries of this world, you wonder if God exists... It is because you are in initiation. It is because you are ready to receive Knowledge.
Unlike books which do not have a great impact on our life, The Book of Angels, The Secrets Recovered, transports us to the heart of the experimentation of spiritual life and allows us to discover that the Angels, commonly represented by little winged beings, are in fact a very ancient symbolic representation and the perfect metaphor for the dreamer, for the one who travels in his consciousness every night.
Working with Traditional Angeology is very simple. Simply repeat the name of an Angel, like a mantra, as often as possible, while meditating, walking, going about your daily activities, etc. These ancient mantras, when recited on a daily basis, trigger teachings through dreams, signs and powerful expansions of consciousness that lead us to understand that the Intelligence of the universe is actually an immense computer in which we live.
The Book of Angels, Secrets Recovered, Dreams – Signs – Meditation, a masterful work on human consciousness and its development, is an essential tool for all those who wish to better understand in depth the meaning of dreams, signs, coincidences and situations that are experienced on a daily basis. If you are asked for a book on Angels or on the interpretation of dreams and signs, this work is undoubtedly the most important reference that you can suggest. The Book of Angels, Secrets Recovered, is a classic, an international bestseller for many years.
A bestseller, a classic for discovering the foundations of working with Angels
In each chapter, discover the work and situations related to a different Angel .
Discover in this book the different angelic calendars allowing you to find the Angel in regency according to the current date.
Take stock of the meaning of your 3 Angels.
The Physical Angel represents the Qualities that we are invited to develop in terms of concrete actions. It embodies the broad outlines of our life program and concrete situations.
The Intellectual Angel represents the Qualities that we are invited to develop on an intellectual level. It will influence our way of thinking, our concepts and our ideas.
The Emotional Angel represents the Qualities that we are invited to develop on an emotional level. Its energy is connected to our feelings, our emotions and our inner world.
Thanks to this form, I discovered my 3 birth Angels. It brought me incredible inner peace and a feeling of spiritual connection.
Thank you for this form! My 3 birth Angels bring me inner harmony and daily support. 🙌 So grateful, thanks to UCM, I try to connect with them when things get hot at work!!!
I found my 3 birth Angels thanks to the UCM site, it's great because it really goes with who we are. I had Aladiah , Mumiah and Jabamiah . My mother and I have the same emotional Angel too!
I tested another site a few weeks ago, but it came out weird. Then I found my 3 birth Angels on the UCM website, and there... it was as if a light had come on inside me! So inspiring, thank you to the whole UCM team.
Finding my 3 Birth Angels was an incredible experience. Thank you and " Achaiah " as Christiane would say... I feel so much more connected and protected. A real game changer to understand myself in difficult times! 💖🕊️
Filling out the form to find my 3 Birth Angels was a revealing experience. I feel more guided with Mebahel as my physical Angel . It speaks to me so much!
I was skeptical, but finding my 3 birth Angels brought me incredible serenity. I recommend 100%! 🕊️
"An Angel is not a little man with wings, it is a very ancient symbol that represents the next stage of evolution of the human being; his capacity to dream, to travel in the multidimensions of consciousness."
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