Linh has always been in search of self-understanding and this matter and these questions have always been at the heart of his deepest reflections: Who am I? Is there only the physical dimension? It is with these questions in her soul that she followed a professional path ranging from aviation, to avant-garde technologies, to jewelry but also as a yoga teacher.

In Vietnamese, Linh means “soul”, and it is by going deeper and deeper into the soul, into the multi-dimensions of work that she quickly and naturally acquired positions of responsibility throughout her life. .

Without really knowing it, his life was already predestined for a spiritual and collective life in the deepest sense of the term and it was through matter, through real life experiences, that Linh encountered the essence of spirituality.

In 2015, Linh met Professors Kaya and Christiane Muller, which was a decisive turning point in her life. One year after this meeting programmed by Heaven, the DSSI (Dream-Sign-Symbol-Interpretation) training was created in Vietnam and she decided to enroll in it in order to explore her inner world using Symbolic Language. From discovery to discovery, she realizes the depth of the spiritual world, the memories of the conscious and the unconscious which create what we really are. That everything is metaphysical before being physical.

For more than 5 years, Linh and her husband, Ân, have been Directors of UCM Vietnam, a non-profit spiritual and humanitarian organization. Through her service and dedication, through the study of dreams and signs, through her love of evolution and her sincere wish to become a better person every day, she became an expert in symbolic language and in understanding universal consciousness. During these years of study and work in a spiritual environment, the knowledge of dreams, hidden wisdom and understanding of dream guidance gradually became the compasses of his life.

Today, Linh works hand in hand with her husband at UCM Vietnam, Ân Nguyễn, as DSSI therapists and assistant professors. It was in their most beautiful dreams that they met and saw the extraordinary destiny that the future holds for them to truly live a happy and fulfilled life on all levels. Together, they work for humanity to disseminate this very advanced Initiatory Teaching to give what they have received from the Universe: Knowledge, Wisdom and Love.