Guillaume was born in the south of France, to parents who knew how to offer a certain material abundance with simplicity. During his childhood, Guillaume was sensitive, shy and reserved. He felt the positive and negative energies of his family and social environment but without knowing how to manage them internally. Through an unconscious protective mechanism and without having the tools to understand himself at that time, Guillaume adapted, conformed, shaped according to social rules. He developed a form of external perfection to always please, to always ensure that everyone is happy, is doing well, that everyone can be in harmony. At the same time he cultivated great ideals of peace; he understood later, during his journey that he was also seeking to fill his emotional difficulties and his emotional gaps.

Until the end of his adolescence, Guillaume was in this search for external harmony because internally he sought balance, peace but did not know how to find it, stabilize it within himself. It was during this period that he started to pray, that he spoke to the Universe because he felt this unhappiness, these discrepancies between his inner life and external influences... he openly confided in God because he didn't know who to talk to about it and if anyone would understand it.

Inspired by his sister's opening of conscience and the exchanges they had, Guillaume discovered the Teaching of Traditional Angeology at the end of his university studies. He reconnected with his spiritual potential through the Books of Angels, meditations that he practiced regularly. He thus began to rebuild, reprogram his fundamental codes, like a computer on which we perform an update, file cleaning, defragmentation, etc. He began defragmenting his personal computer to rebuild his inner life. Through more frequent and intense dreams, he gradually better understood the causes of his ailments. He was returning to the source of who he was, of how he had built himself when he was younger. With his engineering training through which he had developed his practical intelligence, his analytical mind and logic, the symbolism of dreams and Life had a lot of meaning for him. He entered into the Multidimensions of Life, understanding them more deeply and analyzing himself thanks to the Law of Resonance.

After this period of reconstruction on a personal level during the first years of his journey, a new stage was ahead; it responded to this ideal that he had always had within him, like a permanent vision since his adolescence: to create a family. Thanks to dreams and signs, to their questions to be in the Right program, Guillaume and his wife Florence had the confirmations of their Union, after meeting in a UCM internship. For Guillaume, it was a great and profound stage of commitment, of fidelity, because monastic and religious essences could still inhabit him and could have made him miss this wish which was dear to him. Together they had a daughter, who became a sister to two children from his wife's first marriage. Now, Guillaume embodies the husband, the father and also the confidant, the friend, the advisor through the application of his spiritual Knowledge in everyday life and responsibilities.

He currently works in Switzerland in an engineering office carrying out renewable energy production projects. Her ecological awareness and new technologies have always interested her; he also sees it as a contribution to changing consciousness, to improving the world while making it evolve first within himself. In this varied and rewarding profession, he develops his ability to manage/coordinate important projects with perseverance, patience and diplomacy.

Wishing to improve and deepen his Knowledge, to invest in UCM's Missions, Guillaume completed DSSI training up to Therapist Degree . Aware of the questions and difficulties that people may experience in this rapidly changing world, thanks in part to new technologies, Guillaume is keen to provide them with his help and his service. Having discovered and integrated this Teaching, and continuing to deepen it within himself, he now wishes to help with this understanding of Life and offer the keys from which he himself has benefited.