After a happy childhood, but marked by the divorce of his parents, Geoffrey experiences a very difficult adolescence. His mother, suffering from an inoperable brain tumor, is dying. She is an aunt who will take care of his mother during the last years of her life as well as him and his brother. At the same time, following a very complex situation of parental alienation, his father did not see his sons again for 11 years.

At the age of 15, in the space of two weeks, Geoffrey and his brother experienced the loss of their mother, as well as the indirect loss of their father and all members of their paternal family. Feeling completely overwhelmed by the situation, Geoffrey withdraws into himself. At school, he will not tell his friends what he experiences at home, his aunt having forbidden him to do so. Aside from a few exceptional circumstances, he will hardly speak and will escape into his imagination. Without reference points, he will try to find himself as best as possible, but the task is not easy. He will spend the vast majority of his time drawing, which allows him to simultaneously express himself and think. From these almost continuous moments of introspection emerges a pensive being, in search of deep answers.

Then, as he began his studies at Cégep in visual arts, he met new friends, including Stéphanie, who would later become the woman of his life. He is experiencing a rebirth.

His deep being emerges and his philosophical and spiritual research begins. In an extraordinary synchronicity, he meets a mentor who will inspire him enormously. Fascinated by spirituality, he read every book he could find on the subject. He chooses a path and consciously engages in his spiritual journey. He also begins to take an interest in his dreams, a logical extension of his inner process, and he notices the signs. These two tools help guide him, even if he does not always understand their precise meaning at the time.

At the same time, a sense of mission emerges in him: he wants to help people through his artistic works. At first, even if he does not understand the full depth of this approach (it is first within himself that he unconsciously seeks to bring light, joy, inspiration), this leads him to develop his creativity and altruism.

Several years pass on his way, then he discovers the Books of Angels, and shortly after, the Source Code Dictionary. The interest is immediate. He found the answers he was missing to continue his journey in more depth and enrolled in the DSSI training.

Wishing to help the non-profit UCM Association which, through his books and conferences, have infinitely helped him to better understand himself, he devotes himself today and contributes with his various talents to the development of UCM, mainly as director of DSSI Training.

Today he works with Stéphanie to prepare DreamerOne Training courses for young people. He maintains a very good relationship with his father and his paternal family, whom he was able to find. More than anything, his wish is to continue learning, improving and helping.

“Life is a gift, an absolutely free gesture which it is up to us to honor. »

– Geoffrey