Emotional intelligence, the next most sought-after intelligence.

What is emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence represents the human being's ability to perceive and understand beyond form and to act with sensitivity to everything that presents itself: situations, events, people, objects, etc., by relying on one's memories, conscious and unconscious, and the emotional charges, positive or negative, that they contain.

Thus, when we look at an object, our way of recognizing and evaluating it is codified according to the feelings and emotions that we have recorded during our personal experiences with the object in question. Our experience in connection with it can go back to our childhood and well beyond.

In order to better understand the interaction of the multidimensional mechanisms by which our consciousness operates, we can make the analogy with robotics. For example, to recognize a table, a robot will need more than 10,000 photos of tables of all kinds of shapes and colors.

In humans, the activation of their intelligence occurs in a manner similar to that of a robot or a computer, with the exception of the fact that there is added, simultaneously, a linked emotional quantum dynamic. to a multitude of information recorded throughout his various experiences in relation to this object.

We react emotionally to symbols

Thus, a table can activate sadness in a person who lived in a family where there was no communication, attention and affection in sharing, while for another person, the table can represent a warm place of gathering, extraordinary sharing and family unity.

This example shows that we codify in a very personal way our emotional intelligence, our points of reference and our faculty of recognition according to our sensory and multidimensional experience; which explains the different associations and reactions that a group of people can have when faced with the same object.

Multifaceted of a symbol

The number of researches and studies carried out with the aim of decoding the functioning of human consciousness is constantly increasing. At the same time, their progression allows us to see the analogy with the scientific and technological revolution in the field of artificial intelligence (AI).

Currently, studies in this area are growing all over the world and are among the most fascinating and important subjects of the 21st century. The UCM Teaching & Research Center is very involved in the study of the functioning of consciousness through the teaching of symbolic language and the interpretation of dreams, signs and symbols.

The example in the table shows that a symbol is determined by multiple factors and that only the activation of our emotional intelligence can allow us to understand all its facets.

Leadership intelligent

Today, new leaders are sought after and hired not only on the basis of their academic qualifications, but also based on their abilities and skills in human resources management and their ability to function on a relational level with emotional intelligence. diverse.

A deep understanding of the human being in all its aspects guarantees both the success of a business and the success of life on an individual, relational and family level. Indeed, practical and intellectual intelligence are not enough to achieve true success.

A Cartesian genius will always be limited if he does not also develop his emotional potential; and all the more so since in the world in which we live today the multidimensions of consciousness are becoming more and more tangible thanks to the numerous technological discoveries and inventions which give them palpable, concrete forms, but which risk creating damage on the individual and collective levels if they are not used with the wisdom of the heart.

Global understanding = real intelligence

Emotional intelligence phenomenally increases our lucidity in the face of situations and events that we experience. Indeed, it confers the global vision and deep empathy allowing us to have compassionate discernment and to act with knowledge of the strengths and weaknesses of the people affected by a situation, an event or other.

Until our time, human beings have underestimated or even ignored the reality of multidimensions and their ability to perceive them thanks to their innate subtle senses, which, however, are still inactive in most people. Thus, he simply left this potential aside to concentrate mainly on Cartesian, logical and very concrete studies.

Yet, although invisible to the naked eye, it is our emotions and feelings combined with the intellectual knowledge of life that define the deep and complex understanding of who we are, the choices we make, the way we manifest ourselves, etc. .

School programs and teaching in the schools of tomorrow will not only aim at intellectual understanding of things but will also teach students how to perceive and feel in depth, that is to say, how to use and integrate the multidimensions of consciousness into the acquisition and application of Knowledge and the development of our multiple faculties.

In our contemporary society, we often hear about IQ to assess a person's overall skills and knowledge. The higher this is and beyond the average, the more the person is considered a genius. Certainly, the great geniuses of this world took the first steps on the path of intellectual knowledge; they invented wonderful things and were able to solve very complex physical enigmas. In doing so, they have charted the beginning of the path to the incredible potential that lies within each of us. We can now imagine what our future will be and how the new generations of multidimensional geniuses who will emerge thanks to the alliance of IQ and EQ will live.

This text was written by Professors Francis L. Kaya and Anthony Di Benedetto of the UCM Teaching and Research Center.

For more information, we invite you to discover the Dictionary, Dreams-Signs-Symbols, Kaya 's Source Code.