Caroline was born in Canada into a family of 3 children where harmony and simplicity still reign to this day. Until adolescence, his father's work meant that they moved regularly, which allowed him from a very young age to learn to adapt in various environments.

Being rather shy and reserved, she liked to observe people and sometimes found herself a little different from others in the inner questions she could ask herself.

She trained to be a dental hygienist and worked for 28 years in school-based public health dental. Contact with children was easy and she felt privileged to work with this clientele. She particularly enjoyed working in schools where the socio-economic background was low. The level of poverty that was present at all levels gave him even more of a taste for helping children.

Over time, she developed expertise in prevention and she had the privilege of being part of a team whose mission was to teach other dental hygienists in the public sector across Quebec, the application of sealants in schools. It was an extraordinary experience for her both on a personal and professional level, this mission allowed her to meet great people and to be able to help people develop their potential. It was at this time that his interest in teaching became more evident.

Around the age of 28, through her younger brother, she discovered spirituality while she was pregnant with her second child. Another universe opened up to her. After reading several books by different authors, she decided to take courses in polarity, reiki, as well as Qi-Gong and Tai Chi courses.

Spirituality not being part of the life plan of her spouse at the time, a divorce followed and her spiritual quest became greater and greater. Life carefully orchestrated her encounter with traditional Angelology through a friend around 1999. While discovering the 72 Angels, it was little by little that she discovered the grandeur and Wisdom of this teaching where dreams, signs and symbolic language are at the heart of a new pedagogy. For the first time on a spiritual level, she discovered not only in-depth and logical Knowledge, but tools to help her deeply heal inner discomfort. These tools also give him answers to many questions, as well as a deep understanding of certain situations which, in a horizontal vision, could not make any sense.

Understanding that our primary Mission on Earth is to develop Qualities, Virtues and Powers in their pure state was a revelation for her, without forgetting the Law of Resonance which says that we attract what we we are, the positive and the negative… An important Law which allows us to discover what we do not know about ourselves through others…

In 2004 she began volunteering part-time for Univers/Cité Mikaël and since 2015, she has participated full-time in various projects of the Association where she continues to deepen her knowledge.

Today, walking with your dreams, signs and symbolic language is at the heart of your daily life. It’s a way for her to become a better soul, a better person. With the meeting of her 2nd husband who happened through dreams and signs, they walk hand in hand by analyzing their dreams and the symbolic language which guides them in their personal and couple evolution.

Caroline completed the 3 years of the DSSI certificate, as well as obtained her diploma following 2 years of DSSI Therapist Degree .