The Source Code Dictionary - Dreams, Signs, symbols
À propos de cet ouvrage
An international bestseller, offering a new vision of symbolic language. Designed by more than 100 experts, it explains each symbol in its positive and negative aspects. Intended for the general public and professionals, it delves deeper into the importance of dreams in everyday life.
D'autres références pour l'analyse des rêves
Mode de paiement sécurisé
Over 15 years of writing
We often hear people say that they haven't yet found the right Dictionary to interpret their dreams, signs and symbols. The international bestseller, Dictionary, Dreams-Signs-Symbols, The Source Code brings a whole new vision of symbolic language and is now considered one of the most important references in the field. With its 880 pages, it helps us discover in depth the importance of dreams in our daily life.
A team of over 100 people
The conception and research of this Dictionary brought together more than 100 psychologists, doctors, professors and therapists from several countries who collaborated in its creation.
Symbols clearly explained in their positive and negative aspects
Each word is analyzed in detail with its physical and metaphysical characteristics as well as a synthesis defining the positive and negative aspects, which allows the reader to have an analytical and comprehensible vision presenting different possible variants of interpretation.
A word can sometimes have several explanatory pages, which makes this book very complete in every sense of the word. Readers will also find an introduction explaining the mechanics of dreams and the many angles and subtleties of dream interpretation and signs.
Expertise for the general public
This book, which is intended for the general public as well as for doctors, psychoanalysts, psychologists and therapists, offers a new look at symbolic language. Kaya shares with us that through dreams, we all enter into the heart of our memories, our potential and the probabilities of what we can become.
We also understand that both the metaphysical reality of the dream and the physical reality of the signs make us aware that we are constantly experiencing the positive and the negative of life in order to draw lessons and learnings from them.
Des ouvrages de références
Plus de 100 000 rêves analysés
Une équipe de plus de 800 personnes
On passe 1/3 de notre vie à dormir, soit 230 680h.
Changez le destin de vos nuits. Comprenez l'univers des symboles en vous.
Quel était ton rêve cette nuit ?
Un rêve, c'est comme un film, sauf que tout ce qu'on y voit est une partie de soi.
4 raisons d'analyser & comprendre ses rêves
Mieux se connaitre
Progressez sur le plan personnel, en identifiant des aspects cachés de vous-même.
Anticiper les problèmes en soi
Dévoilez les causes des situations pouvant vous créer des difficultés au quotidien.
Activer votre Intelligence Émotionnelle
Améliorez la gestion des émotions, un aspect fondamental pour des relations interpersonnelles saines.
Améliorer sa vie
L'interprétation des rêves favorise l'amélioration de votre vie par la guidance précise et concrète que vos rêves transmettent.