Développement Personnel et Spirituel
Ces livres offrent des enseignements profonds sur les 72 anges, vous aidant à mieux comprendre votre propre cheminement spirituel et à évoluer personnellement.
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With this book, dive into the heart of the experimentation of spiritual life. This book reveals that Angels are metaphors of the dreamer, traveling in consciousness. By reciting the names of the Angels as mantras, he triggers teachings through dreams and signs. This essential work helps to understand in depth the dreams, signs and coincidences of everyday life, and is an essential reference for the interpretation of Angels and dreams.
When your spirit is searching for a meaning to its existence, to its loves and to its work, when you see beyond images and hear beyond words, when you feel on edge and your moods have become uncontrollable, when your body hurts and you don't know why, when you ask yourself: "Why live, if I am to die? When, faced with the social inequalities and miseries of this world, you wonder if God exists... It is because you are in initiation. It is because you are ready to receive Knowledge.
Unlike books that don't have a big impact on our lives, The Book of Angels, The Hidden Secrets takes us to the heart of the spiritual life experience and allows us to discover that Angels, commonly represented by small winged beings, are in fact a very ancient symbolic representation and the perfect metaphor for the dreamer, the one who travels in his consciousness every night.
Working with Traditional Angelology is very simple. One simply repeats the name of an Angel, as a mantra, as often as possible, while meditating, walking, going about one's daily business, etc. These ancient mantras, when recited on a daily basis, trigger teachings through dreams, signs and powerful expansions of consciousness that lead us to understand that the Intelligence of the universe is actually a huge computer in which we live.
The Book of Angels, The Hidden Secrets, Dreams - Signs - MeditationThis book is an essential tool for all those who wish to better understand the meaning of dreams, signs, coincidences and situations that occur in their daily lives. If you are asked for a book on Angels or on the interpretation of dreams and signs, this book is surely the most important reference you can suggest. The Book of Angels, The Hidden Secrets, is a classic, an international bestseller for many years.
La collection des “Livres des Anges” du Centre UCM est une série de livres qui explore les enseignements et les messages des 72 anges.
Chaque volume se concentre sur plusieurs anges, offrant des interprétations détaillées de leurs influences et rôles dans notre vie quotidienne.
Les livres sont conçus pour guider les lecteurs dans leur développement personnel, en utilisant les connaissances anciennes des anges pour mieux comprendre leurs rêves, signes et symboles, et améliorer leur bien-être spirituel et émotionnel.
Changez & Évoluez
Ces livres offrent des enseignements profonds sur les 72 anges, vous aidant à mieux comprendre votre propre cheminement spirituel et à évoluer personnellement.
Les ouvrages fournissent des outils pour décoder les rêves et les symboles, vous permettant de mieux comprendre les messages subtils de votre subconscient et des anges.
En explorant les influences des anges, trouvez des réponses et du réconfort face aux défis émotionnels et spirituels de la vie quotidienne.
Cette collection des “Livres des Anges” propose des conseils pratiques et des rituels quotidiens basés sur les enseignements des anges, vous aidant à intégrer ces pratiques dans votre vie de tous les jours pour un bien-être et une connexion spirituelle constante.
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