[Meeting old neighbors]
Meeting old neighbors
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Présenté par
Francis L. Kaya, CEO et Fondateur, Professeur
Expert en intelligence émotionnelle et interprétation des rêves, auteur et conférencier internationalement reconnu.
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Dream#1: Meeting old neighbors
Dream: I and my daughter were traveling in some other city. We had a day, so we visited Jack (difficult memories, rebellious, escapism) and Julie aunty (too docile, introvert, being a victim).
Their house was on the first floor of an old building and it was dark in the house, like very little light coming from a small window, the walls were dirty and old.
I met them and Jack was very happy to meet us. We shared many childhood memories.
I reminded him of a very small room behind our houses, I told him my grandmother (she died 20 years back her husband abandoned her, materialistic attitude) lived with 5 kids in that small room.
Then it was time for us to leave for our flight back home*. He said why are you leaving so soon and that he had to share and show more things.
*(in reality in the house i mention in the dream ... an old lady stayed with her children and i even as a kid used to help them with whatever possible for me then)
I saw a slam book of his childhood. I know in the dream he wanted to show me that. I saw the page where I had filled in, there were pictures of me as a teenager from Facebook, like printouts on paper. I understood that he liked me back then.
I called the cab and did not mention to him that I saw the slam book and knew what he felt for me.
He was happy for me and we happily bid goodbye and left. I knew in the dream that when
we reach home, we have to leave again for a flight to go to some other country.
*(a slam book is a notebook which is passed among children and teenagers. The keeper of the book starts by posing a question (which may be on any subject) and the book is then passed round for each contributor to fill in their own answer to the question)
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